Waldron Map, Satellite view of Waldron, East Sussex, England

Waldron is located in East Sussex County, Wealden District, South East, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Waldron

Latitude of city of Waldron is 50.95240 and longitude of city of Waldron is 0.20465. Waldron has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of East Sussex.
The County of Waldron is East Sussex.

Postcode / zip code of Waldron

TN21 0

Administrative division of Waldron

County :East Sussex

GPS coordinates of Waldron

Latitude : 50.95240
Longitude : 0.20465

Online Map of Waldron - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Waldron in the United Kingdom

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What is the nearest train station to Waldron?

List of Railway Stations near to Waldron
The nearest railway stations to Waldron are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Waldron
Buxted Station6.62 Km
Uckfield Station7.80 Km
Crowborough Station10.51 Km
Berwick (Sussex) Station12.75 Km
Stonegate Station13.44 Km
Glynde Station14.02 Km
Polegate Station14.86 Km
Eridge Station15.19 Km
Wadhurst Station15.45 Km
Cooksbridge Station15.93 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Waldron?

List of Stops near to Waldron
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Waldron are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Waldron
The Star Inn Bus Stop (adj)40 m
The Star Inn Bus Stop (opp)59 m
Holy Cross Bus Stop (adj)2.28 Km
Holy Cross Bus Stop (opp)2.29 Km
Fir Grove Road Bus Stop (adj)2.51 Km
Fir Grove Road Bus Stop (opp)2.53 Km
Uplye Bus Stop (adj)2.62 Km
High Street Bus Stop (W-bound)2.63 Km
Uplye Bus Stop (opp)2.64 Km
High Street Bus Stop (E-bound)2.64 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Waldron

List of Historic places near to Waldron

NameDistances from Waldron
Michelham Priory9.90 Km
Batemans12.93 Km
Herstmonceux Castle13.08 Km
Brightling, St Thomas a Becket Church13.51 Km
Glynde Place13.65 Km
Charleston13.89 Km
Sheffield Park14.20 Km
Newhaven Fort14.24 Km
Firle Place14.38 Km
Firle, St Peters Church14.49 Km
Cities or Towns near Waldron

List of places near to

Roser's Cross1.25 Km
Foxhunt Green1.33 Km
Lions Green1.37 Km
Little London1.74 Km
Beacon Down2.26 Km
Cross in Hand2.27 Km
Hawkhurst Common2.35 Km
Waldron Down2.62 Km
Davis's Town2.92 Km
Tilsmore3.07 Km
Sharp's Corner3.12 Km
Blackboys3.16 Km
Maynard's Green3.21 Km
Horam3.38 Km
Pounsley3.38 Km
Burlow3.69 Km
Heathfield3.86 Km
East Hoathly4.03 Km
Eason's Green4.07 Km
Marle Green4.45 Km
Mutton Hall4.49 Km
Vines Cross4.61 Km
Hale Green4.69 Km
Cogger's Cross4.75 Km
Honey's Green4.80 Km
Old Heathfield4.94 Km
Chiddingly4.97 Km
Hadlow Down5.10 Km
Poundford5.18 Km
Framfield5.18 Km
Gun Hill5.20 Km
Etchingwood5.21 Km
Palehouse Common5.36 Km
North Corner5.42 Km
Five Ashes5.61 Km
Halland5.62 Km
Cade Street5.75 Km
Thunder's Hill5.83 Km
Muddles Green5.90 Km
Pound Green5.90 Km
Whitesmith5.91 Km
Potter's Green5.92 Km
Mount Ephraim6.07 Km
Broad Oak6.11 Km
Skippers Hill6.18 Km
Warbleton6.20 Km
Nash Street6.38 Km
Butcher's Cross6.40 Km
Buxted6.45 Km
Chapel Cross6.63 Km