Vauxhall Map, Satellite view of Vauxhall, Merseyside, England

Vauxhall is located in Merseyside County, Liverpool District, North West, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Vauxhall

Latitude of city of Vauxhall is 53.41619 and longitude of city of Vauxhall is -2.99451. Vauxhall has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Merseyside.
The County of Vauxhall is Merseyside.

Postcode / zip code of Vauxhall

L3 7

Administrative division of Vauxhall

County :Merseyside

GPS coordinates of Vauxhall

Latitude : 53.41619
Longitude : -2.99451

Online Map of Vauxhall - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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Vauxhall weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Vauxhall?

List of Railway Stations near to Vauxhall
The nearest railway stations to Vauxhall are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Vauxhall
Moorfields Station918 m
Liverpool James Street Station1.28 Km
Liverpool Lime Street Station1.49 Km
Sandhills Station1.54 Km
Liverpool Central Station1.64 Km
Bank Hall Station2.41 Km
Birkenhead Hamilton Square Station2.71 Km
Kirkdale Station2.89 Km
Conway Park Station3.15 Km
Bootle Oriel Road Station3.39 Km

Airports Near to Vauxhall

Liverpool John Lennon Airport , UK (13.29 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Vauxhall?

List of Stops near to Vauxhall
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Vauxhall are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Vauxhall
Vandries Street Bus Stop (Adjacent)140 m
Sprainger Street Bus Stop (Adjacent)149 m
Lanyork Road Bus Stop (Opposite)192 m
Lanyork Road Bus Stop (Adjacent)238 m
Vauxhall Road Bus Stop (Adjacent)244 m
Vauxhall Road Bus Stop (Adjacent)256 m
Upper William Street Bus Stop (adj)295 m
Leeds Street Bus Stop (adj)325 m
Cotton Street Bus Stop (Adjacent)329 m
Eldon Street Bus Stop (adj)330 m

Historic Places to Visit near Vauxhall

List of Historic places near to Vauxhall

NameDistances from Vauxhall
Victoria Gallery and Museum2.17 Km
The Hardmans House2.32 Km
Liverpool, St James Church2.87 Km
Liverpool, Christ Church Waterloo6.36 Km
Mendips8.74 Km
Speke Hall11.96 Km
20 Forthlin Road13.17 Km
Cities or Towns near Vauxhall

List of places near to

Liverpool1.31 Km
Kirkdale2.16 Km
Everton2.23 Km
Egremont2.24 Km
Seacombe2.25 Km
Sandhills2.41 Km
Birkenhead2.82 Km
Edge Hill3.11 Km
Kensington3.12 Km
Anfield3.23 Km
Liscard3.33 Km
Walton3.38 Km
Elm Park3.38 Km
Poulton3.38 Km
Toxteth3.60 Km
New Brighton3.81 Km
Walton on the Hill3.86 Km
Princes Park3.88 Km
Bootle4.26 Km
Tranmere4.36 Km
Tuebrook4.50 Km
Claughton4.54 Km
Dingle4.62 Km
Wallasey4.73 Km
Stanley4.93 Km
Rock Ferry4.97 Km
Devonshire Park5.08 Km
Clubmoor5.09 Km
St Michael's Hamlet5.27 Km
Bidston5.28 Km
Sefton Park5.29 Km
Rock Park5.31 Km
Stoneycroft5.33 Km
Oxton5.42 Km
Old Swan5.45 Km
Wavertree5.49 Km
Egerton Park5.59 Km
Orrell Park5.62 Km
Orrell5.62 Km
Norris Green5.71 Km
Victoria Park5.71 Km
Oak Hill Park5.74 Km
Dacre Hill5.77 Km
Hartley's Village5.80 Km
Bidston Hill5.84 Km
Warbreck Park5.87 Km
Aigburth Vale6.06 Km
Litherland6.11 Km
Sandfield Park6.11 Km
Woodhey6.17 Km