Upton Map, Satellite view of Upton, West Yorkshire, England

Upton is located in West Yorkshire County, Wakefield District, Yorkshire and the Humber, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Upton

Latitude of city of Upton is 53.61329 and longitude of city of Upton is -1.28348. Upton has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of West Yorkshire.
The County of Upton is West Yorkshire.

Postcode / zip code of Upton

WF9 1

Administrative division of Upton

County :West Yorkshire

GPS coordinates of Upton

Latitude : 53.61329
Longitude : -1.28348

Online Map of Upton - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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What is the nearest train station to Upton?

List of Railway Stations near to Upton
The nearest railway stations to Upton are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Upton
South Elmsall Station2.08 Km
Moorthorpe Station2.48 Km
Fitzwilliam Station6.36 Km
Thurnscoe Station7.77 Km
Adwick Station8.19 Km
Featherstone Station8.83 Km
Pontefract Baghill Station8.84 Km
Goldthorpe Station9.01 Km
Pontefract Tanshelf Station9.29 Km
Pontefract Monkhill Station9.62 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Upton?

List of Stops near to Upton
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Upton are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Upton
High Street Richmond Rd Bus Stop8 m
High Street Springvale Gdns Bus Stop32 m
New Lane Portland Place Bus Stop (adj)213 m
East Avenue Rose Ave Bus Stop231 m
East Avenue Rose Ave Bus Stop (stop)236 m
New Lane Portland Place Bus Stop240 m
Field Lane East Ave Bus Stop (after)246 m
Field Lane East Ave Bus Stop (before)258 m
Waggon Lane Rosedale Close Bus Stop319 m
Field Ln Second Avenue Bus Stop (opp)330 m

Historic Places to Visit near Upton

List of Historic places near to Upton

NameDistances from Upton
Brodsworth Hall6.82 Km
Nostell Priory8.16 Km
Pontefract Castle9.31 Km
Monk Bretton Priory11.98 Km
Cadeby, St Johns Church13.37 Km
Kirk Sandall, St Oswalds Church14.59 Km
Sandal Castle14.62 Km
Conisbrough Castle14.81 Km
Cities or Towns near Upton

List of places near to

Hill Estate0.38 Km
North Elmsall0.47 Km
Minsthorpe1.19 Km
Shinwell1.57 Km
Priory Estate1.81 Km
Wrangbrook1.87 Km
South Elmsall2.12 Km
Elm Estate2.17 Km
Badsworth2.21 Km
Moorthorpe2.38 Km
Thorpe Gate Estate2.39 Km
Thorpe Audlin2.83 Km
South Kirkby3.20 Km
Park Estate3.35 Km
Skelbrooke3.73 Km
Little Hemsworth4.18 Km
Hampole4.28 Km
Wentbridge4.31 Km
Common End4.34 Km
Charlestown Estate4.39 Km
Hemsworth4.62 Km
Frickley4.64 Km
Green Hill4.65 Km
Cross Hill4.66 Km
Rhyddings4.67 Km
Highfield4.68 Km
Hilltop Estate4.75 Km
Low Ackworth4.99 Km
Ackworth Moor Top5.02 Km
Mount Pleasant5.04 Km
East Hardwick5.16 Km
Hooton Pagnell5.20 Km
West End5.35 Km
Kirk Smeaton5.37 Km
Brackenhill5.54 Km
Clayton5.81 Km
High Ackworth5.88 Km
Kinsley5.89 Km
Burghwallis6.03 Km
Hessle6.05 Km
Little Smeaton6.19 Km
Skellow6.21 Km
Pudding Hill6.28 Km
Brodsworth6.50 Km
Fitzwilliam6.65 Km
Campsall6.66 Km
Brierley6.89 Km
Darrington6.91 Km
Pickburn6.91 Km
Carleton6.98 Km