Upper Longdon Map, Satellite view of Upper Longdon, Staffordshire, England

Upper Longdon is located in Staffordshire County, Lichfield District, West Midlands, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Upper Longdon

Latitude of city of Upper Longdon is 52.72886 and longitude of city of Upper Longdon is -1.91101. Upper Longdon has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Staffordshire.
The County of Upper Longdon is Staffordshire.

Postcode / zip code of Upper Longdon

WS15 1

Administrative division of Upper Longdon

County :Staffordshire

GPS coordinates of Upper Longdon

Latitude : 52.72886
Longitude : -1.91101

Online Map of Upper Longdon - road map, satellite view and street view

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The weather for Upper Longdon in the United Kingdom

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Upper Longdon weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Upper Longdon?

List of Railway Stations near to Upper Longdon
The nearest railway stations to Upper Longdon are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Upper Longdon
Rugeley Town Station3.33 Km
Rugeley Trent Valley Station4.71 Km
Hednesford Station6.46 Km
Lichfield City Station7.91 Km
Lichfield Trent Valley Station8.80 Km
Cannock Station8.87 Km
Shenstone Station10.92 Km
Landywood Station10.92 Km
Bloxwich North Station13.56 Km
Penkridge Station14.04 Km

Airports Near to Upper Longdon

Tatenhill Airfield , UK (13.89 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Upper Longdon?

List of Stops near to Upper Longdon
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Upper Longdon are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Upper Longdon
Chetwynd Arms PH Bus Stop (Adj)179 m
Brereton Hill Lane Bus Stop (Adj)679 m
Brereton Hill Lane Bus Stop (Opp)689 m
Bradley Lakes Bus Stop (Adj)1.37 Km
Bradley Lakes Bus Stop (Opp)1.39 Km
The Willows Bus Stop (Adj)1.66 Km
The Willows Bus Stop (Opp)1.67 Km
Wattfield Close Bus Stop (Adj)1.69 Km
Wattfield Close Bus Stop (Opp)1.70 Km
Coalpit Lane Bus Stop (Opp)1.72 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Upper Longdon

List of Historic places near to Upper Longdon

NameDistances from Upper Longdon
Wall Roman Site (Letocetum Baths and Museum)8.84 Km
Shugborough9.89 Km
Catton Hall14.54 Km
Cities or Towns near Upper Longdon

List of places near to

Breretonhill0.78 Km
Brereton Cross0.93 Km
Longdon1.44 Km
Brereton1.68 Km
Chestall2.02 Km
Windmill Bank2.42 Km
Ravenhill2.62 Km
Cannock Wood2.67 Km
Cold Well2.67 Km
Armitage2.71 Km
Goosemoor Green2.72 Km
Stonywell2.85 Km
Longdon Green2.94 Km
Gentleshaw3.01 Km
Mavesyn Ridware3.07 Km
Handsacre3.25 Km
Farewell3.52 Km
Chorley3.55 Km
Tuppenhurst3.84 Km
Hill Ridware3.85 Km
Rugeley3.99 Km
Prospect Village4.03 Km
Rake End4.13 Km
Hazelslade4.18 Km
Slitting Mill4.28 Km
Creswell Green4.38 Km
Boney Hay4.56 Km
Pipe Ridware4.75 Km
Chase Terrace4.86 Km
Rawnsley4.87 Km
Ashmore Brook4.97 Km
Etchinghill5.19 Km
Wimblebury5.46 Km
Gorstey Ley5.47 Km
Woodhouses5.48 Km
Burntwood5.67 Km
Rileyhill5.68 Km
Burntwood Green5.69 Km
Elmhurst5.70 Km
Nethertown5.73 Km
Littleworth5.80 Km
Blithbury5.92 Km
Church Hill6.08 Km
Colton6.22 Km
Edial6.22 Km
Hednesford6.40 Km
Hamstall Ridware6.41 Km
Chasetown6.44 Km
King's Bromley6.45 Km
Hill Top6.50 Km