Tyddyn Dai Map, Satellite view of Tyddyn Dai, Gwynedd, Wales

Tyddyn Dai is located in Gwynedd County, Isle of Anglesey / Sir Ynys Mon, Wales, Wales, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Tyddyn Dai

Latitude of city of Tyddyn Dai is 53.39706 and longitude of city of Tyddyn Dai is -4.35522. Tyddyn Dai has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Gwynedd.
The County of Tyddyn Dai is Gwynedd.

Postcode / zip code of Tyddyn Dai

LL68 9

Administrative division of Tyddyn Dai

County :Gwynedd

GPS coordinates of Tyddyn Dai

Latitude : 53.39706
Longitude : -4.35522

Online Map of Tyddyn Dai - road map, satellite view and street view

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What is the nearest train station to Tyddyn Dai?

List of Railway Stations near to Tyddyn Dai
The nearest railway stations to Tyddyn Dai are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Tyddyn Dai
Valley Station18.89 Km
Rhosneigr Station20.65 Km
Holyhead Station20.83 Km
Ty Croes Station20.96 Km
Bodorgan Station21.84 Km
Llanfairpwll Station21.85 Km
Bangor (Gwynedd) Station24.29 Km
Llanfairfechan Station29.19 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Tyddyn Dai?

List of Stops near to Tyddyn Dai
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Tyddyn Dai are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Tyddyn Dai
Ysgol Syr Tomos Jones Bus Stop603 m
Sports Centre Bus Stop780 m
Sports Centre Bus Stop786 m
Lastra Farm Hotel Bus Stop835 m
Lastra Farm Hotel Bus Stop840 m
Maesllwyn Bus Stop948 m
Maesllwyn Bus Stop955 m
Industrial Estate Bus Stop1.17 Km
Industrial Estate Bus Stop1.17 Km
Fire Station Bus Stop1.27 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Tyddyn Dai

List of Historic places near to Tyddyn Dai

NameDistances from Tyddyn Dai
Llaneilian Church 3.64 Km
Llanbadrig Church6.82 Km
Hen Capel Lligwy8.05 Km
Din Lligwy ancient settlement8.20 Km
Lligwy Burial Chamber8.60 Km
St Gallgos Church9.22 Km
Llynnon Mill11.30 Km
Soar Standing Stone12.60 Km
Tregwehelydd Standing Stone12.64 Km
Presaddfed Burial Chamber13.74 Km
Cities or Towns near Tyddyn Dai

List of places near to

Pentrefelin0.62 Km
Penrhyd Lastra1.00 Km
Amlwch1.59 Km
Cerrig-mân1.99 Km
Amlwch Port / Porth Amlwch2.18 Km
Burwen2.39 Km
Penysarn2.51 Km
Llaneilian2.62 Km
Bull Bay / Porthllechog2.75 Km
Gadfa2.98 Km
Rhosybol3.09 Km
Pengorffwysfa3.18 Km
Nebo3.46 Km
Bodewryd3.78 Km
Rhosgoch3.98 Km
Penygraigwen4.01 Km
Llaneuddog4.23 Km
Betws4.56 Km
Capel Parc4.77 Km
City Dulas5.34 Km
Carreglefn5.63 Km
Gwredog5.82 Km
Llandyfrydog6.22 Km
Llanbadrig6.37 Km
Ceidio6.39 Km
Brynrefail6.56 Km
Cemaes6.60 Km
Llanfechell6.68 Km
Penrhyn7.00 Km
Mynydd Bodafon / Yr Arwydd7.02 Km
Rhôs Lligwy7.06 Km
Llanbabo7.11 Km
Llanerchymedd7.55 Km
Bachau7.68 Km
Maenaddwyn7.81 Km
Mynydd Mechell7.89 Km
Tregele7.92 Km
Peniel8.01 Km
Llanfflewyn8.22 Km
Llanallgo9.12 Km
Parciau9.14 Km
Moelfre9.30 Km
Capel Coch9.63 Km
Marian-glas9.92 Km
Carmel10.27 Km
Elim10.37 Km
Tryfil10.43 Km
Llantrisant10.65 Km
Brynteg10.71 Km
Llanrhyddlad10.88 Km