Trumpington Map, Satellite view of Trumpington, Cambridgeshire, England

Trumpington is located in Cambridgeshire County, Cambridge District, Eastern, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Trumpington

Latitude of city of Trumpington is 52.17392 and longitude of city of Trumpington is 0.10995. Trumpington has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Cambridgeshire.
The County of Trumpington is Cambridgeshire.

Postcode / zip code of Trumpington

CB2 9

Administrative division of Trumpington

County :Cambridgeshire

GPS coordinates of Trumpington

Latitude : 52.17392
Longitude : 0.10995

Online Map of Trumpington - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Trumpington in the United Kingdom

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What is the nearest train station to Trumpington?

List of Railway Stations near to Trumpington
The nearest railway stations to Trumpington are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Trumpington
Cambridge Station2.92 Km
Shelford Station3.46 Km
Cambridge North Station6.52 Km
Foxton Station7.10 Km
Shepreth Station8.54 Km
Whittlesford Station8.69 Km
Waterbeach Station11.47 Km
Meldreth Station11.54 Km
Great Chesterford Station13.91 Km
Royston Station16.37 Km

Airports Near to Trumpington

Cambridge Airport , UK (5.62 Km)

Duxford Airport , UK (9.36 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Trumpington?

List of Stops near to Trumpington
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Trumpington are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Trumpington
Anstey Way Bus Stop (opp)196 m
Anstey Way Bus Stop (E-bound)248 m
Anstey Way Bus Stop (near)254 m
Foster Road Bus Stop (near)330 m
Alpha Terrace Bus Stop (near)347 m
Alpha Terrace Bus Stop (opp)355 m
Byron Square Bus Stop (adj)365 m
Monkswell Bus Stop (near)449 m
Bowling Green Bus Stop (near)499 m
Paget Road Bus Stop (near)643 m

Historic Places to Visit near Trumpington

List of Historic places near to Trumpington

NameDistances from Trumpington
Trumpington, St Mary & St Michael0.08 Km
Cambridge University Botanic Gardens2.58 Km
Fitzwilliam Museum2.96 Km
Scott Polar Research Institute2.96 Km
Peterhouse College3.05 Km
Little St Marys, Cambridge3.12 Km
Queens College3.14 Km
St Catharines College3.28 Km
Corpus Christi College3.28 Km
St Benets (St Benedicts), Cambridge3.29 Km
Pembroke College3.31 Km
Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences3.34 Km
Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology3.34 Km
Cambridge University Museum of Zoology3.34 Km
Whipple Museum of the History of Science3.36 Km
Emmanuel College3.45 Km
Kings College3.45 Km
Kings College Chapel3.45 Km
Primavera Gallery3.45 Km
Clare College3.48 Km
Great St Marys, Cambridge3.49 Km
Gonville and Caius College3.62 Km
Trinity Hall3.62 Km
Barton, St Peters Church3.66 Km
Christs College, University of Cambridge3.72 Km
Trinity College3.75 Km
Sidney Sussex College3.84 Km
Round Church, Cambridge3.88 Km
Cambridge, All Saints3.93 Km
St Johns College3.94 Km
Magdalene College4.10 Km
Jesus College4.11 Km
Cambridge and County Folk Museum4.14 Km
Cambridge, St Peters Church4.27 Km
Cambridge Leper Chapel5.29 Km
American War Cemetery6.26 Km
Duxford Chapel8.71 Km
Imperial War Museum Duxford8.88 Km
Duxford, St Johns Church9.45 Km
Kingston, All Saints and St Andrew9.78 Km
Anglesey Abbey11.30 Km
Wimpole Hall11.44 Km
Bottisham, Holy Trinity Church11.54 Km
Longstanton, St Michaels Church11.63 Km
Hildersham, Holy Trinity Church11.82 Km
Ickleton, St Marys Church12.20 Km
Denny Abbey and Farmland Museum14.44 Km
Cities or Towns near Trumpington

List of places near to

Grantchester1.56 Km
Newtown2.44 Km
Newnham Croft2.46 Km
Newnham2.77 Km
Hauxton2.83 Km
Roman Hill3.09 Km
Great Shelford3.16 Km
Cambridge3.50 Km
Little Shelford3.54 Km
Freestones Corner3.55 Km
Barton3.79 Km
Romsey Town4.02 Km
Stapleford4.03 Km
Haslingfield4.54 Km
Harston4.60 Km
Coldham's Common4.72 Km
High Cross4.73 Km
Cherry Hinton4.90 Km
Coton5.34 Km
Newton5.66 Km
Chesterton5.73 Km
Arbury5.84 Km
Kings Hedges6.23 Km
Harlton6.25 Km
Teversham6.35 Km
Comberton6.37 Km
Orchard Park6.55 Km
Fen Ditton6.65 Km
Sawston7.00 Km
Quy Waters7.24 Km
Whittlesford7.25 Km
Barrington7.27 Km
Little Eversden7.32 Km
Madingley7.35 Km
Foxton7.45 Km
Fulbourn7.67 Km
Girton7.71 Km
Great Eversden8.04 Km
Hardwick8.05 Km
Impington8.22 Km
Babraham8.32 Km
Thriplow8.39 Km
Toft8.40 Km
Milton8.49 Km
Pampisford8.58 Km
Histon8.66 Km
Shepreth8.68 Km
Heathfield8.77 Km
Claypit Hill8.86 Km
Horningsea9.15 Km