Troearhiwgwair Map, Satellite view of Troearhiwgwair, Gwent, Wales

Troearhiwgwair is located in Gwent County, Blaenau Gwent, Wales, Wales, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Troearhiwgwair

Latitude of city of Troearhiwgwair is 51.75080 and longitude of city of Troearhiwgwair is -3.22547. Troearhiwgwair has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Gwent.
The County of Troearhiwgwair is Gwent.

Postcode / zip code of Troearhiwgwair

NP22 4

Administrative division of Troearhiwgwair

County :Gwent

GPS coordinates of Troearhiwgwair

Latitude : 51.75080
Longitude : -3.22547

Online Map of Troearhiwgwair - road map, satellite view and street view

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The weather for Troearhiwgwair in the United Kingdom

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Troearhiwgwair weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Troearhiwgwair?

List of Railway Stations near to Troearhiwgwair
The nearest railway stations to Troearhiwgwair are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Troearhiwgwair
Ebbw Vale Parkway Station2.14 Km
Ebbw Vale Town Station3.28 Km
Tir-Phil Station3.62 Km
Pontlottyn Station3.71 Km
Rhymney Station4.48 Km
Brithdir Station4.51 Km
Bargoed Station6.51 Km
Gilfach Fargoed Station7.40 Km
Llanhilleth Station8.38 Km
Pengam Station8.94 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Troearhiwgwair?

List of Stops near to Troearhiwgwair
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Troearhiwgwair are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Troearhiwgwair
Coronation Villas Bus Stop (opp)278 m
Coronation Villas Bus Stop (o/s)281 m
Troedrhiw-gwair Bus Stop (at)360 m
Bedwellty Pits Bus Stop (after)510 m
Bedwellty Pits Bus Stop (before)512 m
New Road Garage Bus Stop (opp former)544 m
New Road Garage Bus Stop (o/s former)582 m
Peacehaven Court Bus Stop (Opposite car park)916 m
Peacehaven Court Bus Stop (before)966 m
Peacehaven Allotments Bus Stop (o/s)1.05 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Troearhiwgwair

List of Historic places near to Troearhiwgwair

NameDistances from Troearhiwgwair
Carn Bugail6.17 Km
Gelligaer Military Station9.71 Km
Blaenavon Ironworks9.97 Km
Penydarren Roman Fort10.46 Km
Llancaiach Fawr Manor and Living History Museum10.60 Km
Morlais Castle10.97 Km
Crickhowell Castle13.24 Km
Crickhowell, St Edmunds Church13.37 Km
Glanusk Park13.58 Km
Torfaen Museum13.90 Km
Tretower Castle and Court14.93 Km
Cities or Towns near Troearhiwgwair

List of places near to

Bedwellty Pits0.00 Km
Troedrhiwgwair / Troed Rhiw Gwair0.39 Km
Victoria1.77 Km
Garden City1.89 Km
Pochin Houses2.23 Km
Waun Lwyd2.25 Km
Georgetown2.38 Km
Abertysswg2.51 Km
Briery Hill2.58 Km
Cefn Golau2.76 Km
Ty Llwyn2.79 Km
Troedrhiwfuwch2.82 Km
Tredegar2.89 Km
Hilltop3.13 Km
Cwm3.21 Km
Phillip's Town3.23 Km
Mountain Air3.34 Km
New Tredegar3.53 Km
Hollybush3.58 Km
Glyn Etwy3.60 Km
Tirphil3.60 Km
Willowtown3.63 Km
Tirphill3.72 Km
Elliot's Town3.73 Km
Sirhowy / Sirhywi3.77 Km
Newtown3.77 Km
Pont-y-Gôf3.78 Km
Manmoel3.84 Km
Pontlottyn3.84 Km
Ebbw Vale / Glyn Ebwy3.95 Km
Scwrfa4.13 Km
Newchurch4.18 Km
Llan-dafal4.24 Km
Ashvale4.32 Km
Cwmsyfiog4.36 Km
Dukestown4.37 Km
Rhymney / Rhymni4.41 Km
Glyncoed4.55 Km
Duke's Meadow4.56 Km
Blaina / Y Blaenau4.81 Km
Nant-y-Bwch4.92 Km
Coalbrookvale4.99 Km
Pen-y-bank4.99 Km
Waundeg5.14 Km
Fochriw5.18 Km
Carmeltown5.19 Km
Nantyglo5.29 Km
Tynewydd5.31 Km
Tafarnaubach5.32 Km
Winchestown5.32 Km