Thurso Railway Station Location Map, Where is Thurso Station?

Thurso train station is a National Rail station managed by ScotRail. Station code for Thurso is THS. The National Location Code (NLC) is 8677. Postcode for Thurso is KW14 7DL.

Location informations for Thurso Station

Station Code : THS
Postcode : KW14 7DL
Latitude : 58.590181
Longitude : -3.527549
DMS coordinates : 58°35'24.65007487224" N 3°31'39.17586262056" W
Current time and date at Thurso is 06:40:53 (03/22/2025) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)

Live Thurso DEPARTURES from National Rail.
Live Thurso ARRIVALS from National Rail.

Map location for Thurso Station

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

What is the nearest train station to Thurso?

List of Railway Stations near to Thurso
The nearest railway stations to Thurso are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Thurso
Georgemas Junction Station9.57 Km
Scotscalder Station12.00 Km
Altnabreac Station24.75 Km
Wick Station29.98 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Thurso?

List of Stops near to Thurso
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Thurso are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Thurso
Thurso Rail Station0 m
Station Bus Stop (at)30 m
Station Railway Station (Entrance)30 m
Bus Depot Bus Stop (at)89 m
Bus Depot Bus Stop (opp)89 m
Miller Academy Bus Stop (at)144 m
Miller Academy Bus Stop (opp)193 m
Brownhill Road Bus Stop (opp)251 m
Brownhill Road Bus Stop (at)269 m
Ormlie Crescent Bus Stop (opp)302 m

Cities or Towns near Thurso (15 km)

List of places near to Thurso

Mountvernon0.52 Km
Ormlie0.55 Km
Pennyland0.61 Km
Thurso0.65 Km
Millbank0.69 Km
Mountpleasant1.03 Km
Springpark1.09 Km
Thurso East1.33 Km
Glengolly2.33 Km
Scrabster2.58 Km
Dixonfield2.94 Km
Haimer3.03 Km
Newlands of Geise3.04 Km
Hill of Forss3.27 Km
Clardon3.32 Km
Janetstown3.84 Km
Weydale4.76 Km
Achnavast4.91 Km
Murkle5.13 Km
Achscrabster5.22 Km
Sordale6.50 Km
Brackrevach6.51 Km
Achingills6.56 Km
Westfield6.60 Km
Hilliclay6.77 Km
Lieurary6.87 Km
Forss7.24 Km
Braal Castle7.73 Km
Knockglass7.73 Km
Calder Mains8.28 Km
Roadside8.30 Km
Castletown8.32 Km
Crosskirk8.36 Km
Castlehill8.38 Km
Halkirk8.58 Km
Durran9.41 Km
Sibster9.48 Km
Achreamie9.56 Km
Stemster9.77 Km
Knockdee9.88 Km
Shebster10.31 Km
Clayock10.48 Km
West Dunnet10.78 Km
Dunnet10.80 Km
Brawlbin10.81 Km
Broubster10.89 Km
Upper Dounreay11.03 Km
Hunspow11.33 Km
Buldoo11.49 Km
Achalone11.63 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Thurso

List of Historic places near to Thurso

NameDistances from Thurso
Caithness Horizons Museum & Art Gallery0.92 Km
Castle Lodge1.34 Km
St Marys Chapel, Crosskirk9.03 Km
Cnoc Freiceadain Long Cairns10.21 Km
Mary Anns Cottage10.38 Km