Thorns Green Map, Satellite view of Thorns Green, Cheshire, England

Thorns Green is located in Cheshire County, Cheshire East, North West, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Thorns Green

Latitude of city of Thorns Green is 53.35381 and longitude of city of Thorns Green is -2.31681. Thorns Green has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Cheshire.
The County of Thorns Green is Cheshire.

Postcode / zip code of Thorns Green

WA15 0

Administrative division of Thorns Green

County :Cheshire

GPS coordinates of Thorns Green

Latitude : 53.35381
Longitude : -2.31681

Online Map of Thorns Green - road map, satellite view and street view

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The weather for Thorns Green in the United Kingdom

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Thorns Green weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Thorns Green?

List of Railway Stations near to Thorns Green
The nearest railway stations to Thorns Green are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Thorns Green
Ashley Station1.65 Km
Mobberley Station2.96 Km
Manchester Airport Station3.17 Km
Hale Station3.43 Km
Altrincham Station4.27 Km
Navigation Road Station4.95 Km
Styal Station5.10 Km
Heald Green Station5.59 Km
Wilmslow Station6.71 Km
Knutsford Station6.84 Km

Airports Near to Thorns Green

Manchester Airport , UK (2.78 Km)

Manchester Woodford Airport , UK (11.28 Km)

City Airport Manchester , UK (13.97 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Thorns Green?

List of Stops near to Thorns Green
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Thorns Green are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Thorns Green
Halebank Bus Stop (Nr Yew Tree Cottage)824 m
Halebank Bus Stop (Nr Yew Tree Cottage)824 m
Tanyard Lane Bus Stop (opp)918 m
Chapel Lane Bus Stop (nr)949 m
Greengate Bus Stop (nr)983 m
Chapel Drive Bus Stop (opp)1.11 Km
Chapel Drive Bus Stop (nr)1.12 Km
Warburton Close Bus Stop (opp)1.13 Km
Warburton Close Bus Stop (nr)1.14 Km
Crabtree Avenue Bus Stop (nr)1.20 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Thorns Green
Cities or Towns near Thorns Green

List of places near to

Warburton Green0.95 Km
Hale Barns1.47 Km
Ashley1.55 Km
New Mills2.49 Km
Davenport Green2.54 Km
Ashley Heath2.70 Km
Well Green3.07 Km
Hale3.30 Km
Rosehill3.45 Km
Morley3.58 Km
Bowgreen3.62 Km
Morley Green3.85 Km
Woodhouse Park3.94 Km
Newall Green4.15 Km
Bowdon4.16 Km
Altrincham4.45 Km
Roundthorn4.51 Km
Timperley4.53 Km
Mobberley4.55 Km
Rostherne4.71 Km
Styal4.76 Km
Knolls Green4.86 Km
Wythenshawe4.99 Km
Tatton Dale5.14 Km
Benchill5.18 Km
Moss Nook5.18 Km
Paddockhill5.27 Km
Baguley5.29 Km
Pownall Park5.31 Km
Shaw Heath5.53 Km
Peel Hall5.59 Km
Broadheath5.66 Km
Oldfield Brow5.69 Km
Row-of-trees5.81 Km
Noonsun5.84 Km
Sharston5.87 Km
Lacey Green5.89 Km
Mere5.97 Km
Bucklow Hill6.00 Km
Heald Green6.06 Km
Lindow End6.13 Km
Dunham Town6.20 Km
Davenport Green6.22 Km
Cross Town6.34 Km
Fulshaw Park6.34 Km
Hilltop6.37 Km
Wilmslow6.45 Km
Finney Green6.46 Km
Brooklands6.51 Km
Hulseheath6.52 Km