Swarcliffe Map, Satellite view of Swarcliffe, North Yorkshire, England

Swarcliffe is located in North Yorkshire County, Harrogate District, Yorkshire and the Humber, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Swarcliffe

Latitude of city of Swarcliffe is 54.03093 and longitude of city of Swarcliffe is -1.65180. Swarcliffe has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of North Yorkshire.
The County of Swarcliffe is North Yorkshire.

Postcode / zip code of Swarcliffe

HG3 2

Administrative division of Swarcliffe

County :North Yorkshire

GPS coordinates of Swarcliffe

Latitude : 54.03093
Longitude : -1.65180

Online Map of Swarcliffe - road map, satellite view and street view

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What is the nearest train station to Swarcliffe?

List of Railway Stations near to Swarcliffe
The nearest railway stations to Swarcliffe are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Swarcliffe
Harrogate Station8.56 Km
Hornbeam Park Station9.95 Km
Starbeck Station10.46 Km
Pannal Station11.18 Km
Knaresborough Station12.10 Km
Weeton Station12.84 Km
Ben Rhydding Station15.09 Km
Burley-In-Wharfedale Station15.18 Km
Ilkley Station16.23 Km
Menston Station16.35 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Swarcliffe?

List of Stops near to Swarcliffe
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Swarcliffe are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Swarcliffe
Fountains Bent Bus Stop (adj)786 m
Fountains Bent Bus Stop (opp)786 m
Ross Bridge Bus Stop (NE-bound)792 m
Ross Bridge Bus Stop (E-bound)813 m
Post Office Bus Stop (opp)1.14 Km
Post Office Bus Stop (adj)1.16 Km
Holme Farm Bus Stop (W-bound)1.19 Km
Holme Farm Bus Stop (E-bound)1.19 Km
Stripe Lane Bus Stop (E-bound)1.29 Km
Elton Bank Top Bus Stop (NW-bound)1.29 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Swarcliffe

List of Historic places near to Swarcliffe

NameDistances from Swarcliffe
Brimham Rocks5.20 Km
Ripley Castle5.55 Km
RHS Garden Harlow Carr7.48 Km
Markenfield Hall10.26 Km
Stainburn, St Marys Church10.61 Km
Studley Royal, St Mary Church10.82 Km
Studley Royal Water Garden10.96 Km
Fountains Abbey10.96 Km
Farnley Hall12.19 Km
Plumpton Rocks13.91 Km
Newby Hall14.32 Km
Cities or Towns near Swarcliffe

List of places near to

Hew Green0.77 Km
Birstwith1.04 Km
High Birstwith1.07 Km
The Holme1.25 Km
Clapham Green1.53 Km
Tang1.67 Km
Moke Hill1.79 Km
Staupes1.92 Km
Longscales2.03 Km
Kettlesing Bottom2.30 Km
Low Green2.34 Km
Darley2.37 Km
Winsley2.46 Km
Swincliffe2.51 Km
Sheepcote Hill2.62 Km
Kettlesing2.68 Km
Hartwith2.70 Km
Stocks Green2.86 Km
Hampsthwaite3.09 Km
Burnt Yates3.24 Km
Rowden3.27 Km
Clint3.27 Km
Darley Head3.47 Km
Mill Hirst3.54 Km
Dacre3.88 Km
Shaw Mills4.01 Km
Dacre Banks4.07 Km
Summerbridge4.20 Km
Saltergate Hill / Mount Pleasant4.24 Km
Bedlam4.39 Km
Hardgate4.75 Km
Hampsthwaite Hollins4.78 Km
Bishop Thornton5.08 Km
Cobby Syke5.24 Km
Low Laithe5.67 Km
Ripley5.68 Km
Thornthwaite5.68 Km
Fewston Bents5.74 Km
Warsill5.74 Km
Killinghall5.76 Km
Wydra5.81 Km
Killinghall Moor6.00 Km
Smelthouses6.00 Km
Bramelane6.04 Km
Heyshaw6.12 Km
Brown Bank6.15 Km
Oakdale6.30 Km
Fewston6.34 Km
Padside Green6.39 Km
Knox6.52 Km