Stoneyholme Map, Satellite view of Stoneyholme, Lancashire, England

Stoneyholme is located in Lancashire County, Burnley District, North West, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Stoneyholme

Latitude of city of Stoneyholme is 53.79618 and longitude of city of Stoneyholme is -2.24865. Stoneyholme has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Lancashire.
The County of Stoneyholme is Lancashire.

Postcode / zip code of Stoneyholme

BB12 0

Administrative division of Stoneyholme

County :Lancashire

GPS coordinates of Stoneyholme

Latitude : 53.79618
Longitude : -2.24865

Online Map of Stoneyholme - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Stoneyholme in the United Kingdom

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Stoneyholme weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Stoneyholme?

List of Railway Stations near to Stoneyholme
The nearest railway stations to Stoneyholme are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Stoneyholme
Burnley Central Station382 m
Burnley Barracks Station855 m
Burnley Manchester Road Station1.25 Km
Rose Grove Station2.50 Km
Brierfield Station3.19 Km
Hapton Station4.77 Km
Nelson Station4.89 Km
Huncoat Station7.04 Km
Colne Station7.85 Km
Accrington Station9.28 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Stoneyholme?

List of Stops near to Stoneyholme
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Stoneyholme are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Stoneyholme
Kent Street Bus Stop (opp)4 m
Kent street Bus Stop (by)21 m
Burnley College Bus Stop (by)185 m
Folds Street Bus Stop (by)234 m
Oswald Street Bus Stop (by)264 m
Asda Bus Stop (o/s)273 m
Burnley Central Rail Station382 m
Burnley Central Rail Station (entrance)396 m
Central Railway Station Bus Stop (o/s)400 m
Central Rail Station (Entrance)401 m

Historic Places to Visit near Stoneyholme

List of Historic places near to Stoneyholme

NameDistances from Stoneyholme
Burnley, St Peters Church0.71 Km
Towneley Hall Art Gallery and Museum3.00 Km
Gawthorpe Hall3.25 Km
Pendle Heritage Centre6.69 Km
Goodshaw Chapel7.36 Km
Whalley, St Marys Church10.82 Km
Whalley Abbey Gatehouse10.85 Km
Clitheroe Castle12.58 Km
Great Mitton, All Hallows Church13.43 Km
Old Langho Church13.77 Km
Gibsons Mill14.00 Km
Sawley Abbey14.45 Km
Top Withens14.52 Km
Cities or Towns near Stoneyholme

List of places near to

Whittlefield0.88 Km
Burnley1.00 Km
Burnley Lane1.49 Km
Fulledge1.71 Km
Heasandford1.73 Km
Burnley Wood2.00 Km
Rose Hill2.13 Km
Rose Grove2.33 Km
Brunshaw2.47 Km
Pike Hill2.73 Km
Reedley2.75 Km
Habergham3.12 Km
Brierfield3.21 Km
Waterside3.22 Km
Harle Syke3.35 Km
Brownside3.35 Km
Worsthorne3.93 Km
Haggate3.99 Km
Fence4.02 Km
Cockden4.02 Km
Marsden Height4.20 Km
Higham4.25 Km
Little Marsden4.25 Km
Padiham4.33 Km
Cliviger4.33 Km
Wheatley Lane4.53 Km
Lane Bottom4.62 Km
Lomeshaye4.66 Km
Hurstwood4.69 Km
Mereclough4.73 Km
Whitefield4.77 Km
Over Town4.80 Km
Hapton4.81 Km
Carr Hall4.94 Km
Clow Bridge4.99 Km
Nelson5.00 Km
Southward Bottom5.17 Km
Bradley5.51 Km
Catlow5.58 Km
Spen Brook5.68 Km
Southfield5.77 Km
Newbridge5.87 Km
Holme Chapel5.91 Km
Dunnockshaw5.93 Km
Newchurch in Pendle6.15 Km
Simonstone6.35 Km
Lowerford6.51 Km
Altham6.52 Km
Huncoat6.58 Km
Crow Trees6.66 Km