Southend Map, Satellite view of Southend, Buckinghamshire, England

Southend is located in Buckinghamshire County, Wycombe District, South East, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Southend

Latitude of city of Southend is 51.60079 and longitude of city of Southend is -0.91489. Southend has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Buckinghamshire.
The County of Southend is Buckinghamshire.

Postcode / zip code of Southend

RG9 6

Administrative division of Southend

County :Buckinghamshire

GPS coordinates of Southend

Latitude : 51.60079
Longitude : -0.91489

Online Map of Southend - road map, satellite view and street view

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The weather for Southend in the United Kingdom

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What is the nearest train station to Southend?

List of Railway Stations near to Southend
The nearest railway stations to Southend are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Southend
Henley-On-Thames Station7.48 Km
Shiplake Station10.18 Km
Saunderton Station10.38 Km
Marlow Station10.78 Km
Wargrave Station11.72 Km
High Wycombe Station12.13 Km
Princes Risborough Station13.91 Km
Cookham Station14.17 Km
Bourne End Station14.37 Km
Twyford Station14.38 Km

Airports Near to Southend

Wycombe Air Park , UK (7.46 Km)

RAF Benson , UK (12.61 Km)

Chalgrove Airport , UK (14.19 Km)

White Waltham Airfield , UK (14.76 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Southend?

List of Stops near to Southend
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Southend are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Southend
Drovers Lane Bus Stop (Southbound)121 m
Drovers Lane Bus Stop (Northbound)122 m
Bus Shelter Bus Stop (Adj)1.60 Km
Bus Shelter Bus Stop (Opp)1.62 Km
Stonor Arms PH Bus Stop (o/s)2.11 Km
The Bull & Butcher PH Bus Stop (Opp)2.12 Km
Stonor Arms PH Bus Stop (opp)2.13 Km
Village Hall Bus Stop (Opp)2.37 Km
Village Hall Bus Stop (adj)2.37 Km
The Chequers Inn PH Bus Stop (adj)2.83 Km

Cities or Towns near Southend

List of places near to

Summer Heath1.12 Km
Turville Heath1.59 Km
Stonor1.82 Km
Turville2.10 Km
Skirmett2.37 Km
Pishill2.60 Km
Fingest2.69 Km
Fawley Bottom2.86 Km
Fawley2.95 Km
Maidensgrove3.17 Km
Goddards3.34 Km
Colstrope3.44 Km
Northend3.45 Km
Pishill Bank3.52 Km
Pheasant's Hill3.83 Km
Little Frieth3.91 Km
Ibstone3.97 Km
Frieth4.12 Km
Middle Assendon4.20 Km
Pheasants4.20 Km
Parmoor4.24 Km
Russell's Water4.39 Km
Pishill Bottom4.41 Km
Hambleden4.43 Km
Rockwell End4.56 Km
Greenlands4.69 Km
Greenfield4.71 Km
Cadmore End4.72 Km
Moor End4.99 Km
Bix5.11 Km
Lower Assendon5.12 Km
Bolter End5.15 Km
Moor Common5.17 Km
Crocker End5.18 Km
Christmas Common5.20 Km
Catslip5.36 Km
Mill End5.40 Km
Rotten Row5.48 Km
Ditchfield5.55 Km
Cookley Green5.72 Km
Remenham5.82 Km
Nettlebed5.85 Km
Lane End5.91 Km
Wheeler End6.03 Km
Park Corner6.11 Km
Horsleys Green6.21 Km
Chisbridge Cross6.22 Km
Aston6.31 Km
Broadplat6.40 Km
Stokenchurch6.66 Km