Sleight Map, Satellite view of Sleight, Dorset, England

Sleight is located in Dorset County, East Dorset District, South West, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Sleight

Latitude of city of Sleight is 50.78242 and longitude of city of Sleight is -2.02391. Sleight has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Dorset.
The County of Sleight is Dorset.

Postcode / zip code of Sleight

BH21 3

Administrative division of Sleight

County :Dorset

GPS coordinates of Sleight

Latitude : 50.78242
Longitude : -2.02391

Online Map of Sleight - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Sleight in the United Kingdom

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Sleight weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Sleight?

List of Railway Stations near to Sleight
The nearest railway stations to Sleight are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Sleight
Hamworthy Station6.37 Km
Poole Station7.56 Km
Parkstone Station8.50 Km
Holton Heath Station8.76 Km
Branksome Station9.58 Km
Wareham Station11.85 Km
Bournemouth Station12.78 Km
Pokesdown Station15.10 Km
Christchurch Station17.54 Km
Wool Station17.86 Km

Airports Near to Sleight

Bournemouth Airport , UK (12.76 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Sleight?

List of Stops near to Sleight
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Sleight are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Sleight
Sleight Lane Bus Stop (NW-bound)44 m
Blandford Road Bus Stop (SE-bound)53 m
Lockyers School Bus Stop (E-bound)436 m
Lockyers School Bus Stop (W-bound)479 m
Little Thatch Bus Stop (opp)713 m
St. Huberts Church Bus Stop (SE-bound)756 m
St. Huberts Church Bus Stop (NW-bound)768 m
Higher Merley Lane Bus Stop (SW-bound)770 m
Lockyers Road Bus Stop (N-bound)775 m
Lockyers Road Bus Stop (S-bound)781 m

Cities or Towns near Sleight

List of places near to

Newtown0.88 Km
Mount Pleasant0.92 Km
East End1.07 Km
Corfe Mullen1.07 Km
Rushcombe Bottom1.24 Km
Lambs' Green1.29 Km
Happy Bottom1.53 Km
Ashington1.68 Km
Cowgrove1.85 Km
Henbury2.28 Km
Pamphill2.47 Km
Stone3.10 Km
Hillbutts3.11 Km
Broadstone3.12 Km
Wimborne Minster3.17 Km
East Brook3.29 Km
Tadden3.41 Km
Beacon Hill3.55 Km
Hound Hill3.57 Km
Merley3.63 Km
Oakley3.65 Km
St Johns3.65 Km
Combe Almer3.74 Km
Rowlands3.83 Km
Hillbourne3.84 Km
Sturminster Marshall3.92 Km
Chilbridge4.43 Km
Leigh4.44 Km
Waterloo4.54 Km
Lytchett Matravers4.60 Km
Creekmoor4.63 Km
Newton Peveril4.75 Km
Canford Magna4.82 Km
Colehill4.84 Km
Upton4.91 Km
Post Green4.99 Km
Furzehill5.13 Km
Clapgate5.18 Km
Nuffield5.30 Km
Merry Field Hill5.31 Km
Hayes5.54 Km
Canford Heath5.55 Km
Grange5.61 Km
Shapwick5.73 Km
Stanley Green5.88 Km
Lytchett Minster5.95 Km
Pilford6.22 Km
Canford Bottom6.24 Km
Turlin Moor6.34 Km
Stanbridge6.39 Km