Shrewley Map, Satellite view of Shrewley, Warwickshire, England

Shrewley is located in Warwickshire County, Warwick District, West Midlands, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Shrewley

Latitude of city of Shrewley is 52.30489 and longitude of city of Shrewley is -1.68549. Shrewley has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Warwickshire.
The County of Shrewley is Warwickshire.

Postcode / zip code of Shrewley

CV35 7

Administrative division of Shrewley

County :Warwickshire

GPS coordinates of Shrewley

Latitude : 52.30489
Longitude : -1.68549

Online Map of Shrewley - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Shrewley in the United Kingdom

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Shrewley weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Shrewley?

List of Railway Stations near to Shrewley
The nearest railway stations to Shrewley are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Shrewley
Hatton Station1.37 Km
Claverdon Station3.18 Km
Lapworth Station4.97 Km
Warwick Parkway Station5.41 Km
Henley-In-Arden Station6.86 Km
Warwick Station7.34 Km
Wootton Wawen Station7.96 Km
Bearley Station8.04 Km
Dorridge Station8.76 Km
Danzey Station9.47 Km

Airports Near to Shrewley

Wellesbourne Mountford Airport , UK (13.43 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Shrewley?

List of Stops near to Shrewley
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Shrewley are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Shrewley
Crossroads Bus Stop (Adj)207 m
Crossroads Bus Stop (Adj)221 m
Post Office Bus Stop (Adj)316 m
Post Office Bus Stop (Opp)317 m
Little Shrewley Crossroads Bus Stop (Adj)879 m
Little Shrewley Crossroads Bus Stop (Adj)882 m
Crossroads Bus Stop (Jcn)1.28 Km
Crossroads Bus Stop (Jcn)1.28 Km
Hatton Railway Station Bus Stop (Opp)1.35 Km
Hatton Railway Station Bus Stop (Adj)1.35 Km

Cities or Towns near Shrewley

List of places near to

Oldfield0.85 Km
Little Shrewley0.91 Km
Yew Green0.96 Km
Pinley Green1.31 Km
Great Pinley1.32 Km
High Cross1.72 Km
Hatton Green1.82 Km
Haseley1.90 Km
Holywell2.03 Km
Mousley End2.03 Km
Yarningale Common2.25 Km
Five Ways2.31 Km
Rowington2.32 Km
Lye Green2.53 Km
Finwood2.66 Km
Turner's Green2.88 Km
Haseley Green2.93 Km
Lowsonford2.95 Km
Rowington Green3.07 Km
Claverdon3.13 Km
Hatton3.19 Km
Brownlow Green3.24 Km
Rookery3.28 Km
Waste Green3.58 Km
Kingswood Brook3.65 Km
Lower Norton3.72 Km
Bushwood3.76 Km
Wroxall3.95 Km
Beausale4.02 Km
Haseley Knob4.03 Km
Preston Fields4.14 Km
Budbrooke4.18 Km
Barnmoor Green4.30 Km
Tattle Bank4.44 Km
Kingswood4.51 Km
Copt Green4.51 Km
Preston Bagot4.56 Km
Littleworth4.60 Km
Norton Lindsey4.65 Km
Kington4.70 Km
Hampton Magna4.91 Km
Langley4.98 Km
Hampton on the Hill4.98 Km
Baddesley Clinton5.01 Km
Wolverton5.17 Km
Preston Green5.27 Km
Kite Green5.28 Km
Honiley5.47 Km
Langley Green5.52 Km
Buckley Green5.91 Km