Sandford Orcas Map, Satellite view of Sandford Orcas, Dorset, England

Sandford Orcas is located in Dorset County, West Dorset District, South West, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Sandford Orcas

Latitude of city of Sandford Orcas is 50.98505 and longitude of city of Sandford Orcas is -2.53756. Sandford Orcas has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Dorset.
The County of Sandford Orcas is Dorset.

Postcode / zip code of Sandford Orcas

DT9 4

Administrative division of Sandford Orcas

County :Dorset

GPS coordinates of Sandford Orcas

Latitude : 50.98505
Longitude : -2.53756

Online Map of Sandford Orcas - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Sandford Orcas in the United Kingdom

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Sandford Orcas weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Sandford Orcas?

List of Railway Stations near to Sandford Orcas
The nearest railway stations to Sandford Orcas are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Sandford Orcas
Sherborne Station4.87 Km
Yeovil Pen Mill Station6.97 Km
Yeovil Junction Station8.51 Km
Templecombe Station8.58 Km
Thornford Station8.77 Km
Yetminster Station10.25 Km
Castle Cary Station12.80 Km
Chetnole Station13.43 Km
Bruton Station15.43 Km
Gillingham (Dorset) Station19.32 Km

Airports Near to Sandford Orcas

RNAS Yeovilton , UK (7.59 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Sandford Orcas?

List of Stops near to Sandford Orcas
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Sandford Orcas are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Sandford Orcas
Post Office Bus Stop (NW-bound)56 m
Middle Street Bus Stop (S-bound)1.78 Km
High Street Bus Stop (E-bound)1.80 Km
Sandford Orcas Turn Bus Stop (S-bound)1.84 Km
Red Post Bus Stop (N-bound)1.89 Km
Queen's Arms Bus Stop (N-bound)2.07 Km
Queen's Arms Bus Stop (S-bound)2.08 Km
Adber Cross Bus Stop (NW-bound)2.70 Km
All Saints Church Bus Stop (opp)2.73 Km
All Saints Church Bus Stop (NW-bound)2.77 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Sandford Orcas
Cities or Towns near Sandford Orcas

List of places near to

Higher Sandford0.69 Km
Holway0.87 Km
Stafford's Green1.06 Km
Rimpton1.80 Km
Heaven's Door2.00 Km
Corton Denham2.14 Km
Poyntington2.51 Km
Adber2.60 Km
Girt2.74 Km
Whitcombe3.03 Km
Marston Magna3.31 Km
Hummer3.50 Km
Sigwells3.55 Km
Gore3.57 Km
Trent3.71 Km
Lambrook3.84 Km
Oborne3.86 Km
Sutton Montis3.87 Km
Stallen4.24 Km
Nether Compton4.28 Km
Sherborne4.36 Km
Weston Bampfylde4.40 Km
Milborne Wick4.48 Km
Little Weston4.90 Km
South Cadbury4.93 Km
Hinton4.95 Km
New Town4.96 Km
Over Compton5.00 Km
Charlton Horethorne5.00 Km
Queen Camel5.08 Km
Mudford5.09 Km
Up Mudford5.17 Km
West Mudford5.35 Km
Wales5.37 Km
Lower Chilton Cantelo5.38 Km
Chilton Cantelo5.38 Km
Sparkford Hill5.48 Km
Kingsbury Regis5.50 Km
Sparkford5.54 Km
Silver Knap5.56 Km
Eyewell5.71 Km
Compton Pauncefoot5.72 Km
Milborne Port5.78 Km
Stowell5.90 Km
Camel Hill6.04 Km
Mudford Sock6.10 Km
Ashington6.23 Km
West Camel6.28 Km
Goathill6.34 Km
Blackford6.41 Km