Salford Map, Satellite view of Salford, Bedfordshire, England

Salford is located in Bedfordshire County, Central Bedfordshire, Eastern, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Salford

Latitude of city of Salford is 52.04432 and longitude of city of Salford is -0.63818. Salford has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Bedfordshire.
The County of Salford is Bedfordshire.

Postcode / zip code of Salford

MK17 8

Administrative division of Salford

County :Bedfordshire

GPS coordinates of Salford

Latitude : 52.04432
Longitude : -0.63818

Online Map of Salford - road map, satellite view and street view

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Salford weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Salford?

List of Railway Stations near to Salford
The nearest railway stations to Salford are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Salford
Aspley Guise Station2.60 Km
Woburn Sands Station3.11 Km
Ridgmont Station3.59 Km
Lidlington Station5.43 Km
Bow Brickhill Station5.96 Km
Fenny Stratford Station7.25 Km
Millbrook (Bedfordshire) Station7.29 Km
Stewartby Station8.49 Km
Bletchley Station8.65 Km
Milton Keynes Central Station9.37 Km

Airports Near to Salford

Cranfield Airport , UK (3.43 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Salford?

List of Stops near to Salford
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Salford are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Salford
Wavendon Road Bus Stop (adj)143 m
Wavendon Road Bus Stop (opp)151 m
The Swan Bus Stop (o/s)155 m
The Swan Bus Stop (opp)176 m
Holcotmoors Farm Bus Stop (opp)1.05 Km
Holcotmoors Farm Bus Stop (adj)1.06 Km
Whitsundoles Farm Bus Stop (o/s)1.19 Km
Whitsundoles Farm Bus Stop (opp)1.21 Km
Lower End Road Bus Stop (NE-bound)1.39 Km
Lower End Road Bus Stop (SW-bound)1.40 Km

Cities or Towns near Salford

List of places near to

Salford Ford0.81 Km
Hulcote0.92 Km
Lower End1.52 Km
Wavendon2.96 Km
West End3.05 Km
Brogborough3.13 Km
Woburn Sands3.25 Km
Wharley End3.34 Km
Tartlett End3.42 Km
Kingston3.44 Km
Aspley Guise3.45 Km
Cranfield3.50 Km
Brinklow3.58 Km
Moulsoe3.60 Km
Husborne Crawley3.62 Km
Church End3.72 Km
Wavendon Gate3.74 Km
Broughton3.85 Km
Old Farm Park4.20 Km
Atterbury4.31 Km
Walnut Tree4.36 Km
Monkston4.38 Km
East End4.51 Km
Kents Hill4.51 Km
Milton Keynes Village4.52 Km
Aspley Heath4.56 Km
Browns Wood4.58 Km
Broad Green4.60 Km
Wood End4.62 Km
Northfield4.88 Km
Fox Milne4.92 Km
Monkston Park4.95 Km
Walton Hall5.01 Km
Middleton5.03 Km
Walton Manor5.11 Km
Gossard's Green5.15 Km
Brook End5.17 Km
Ridgmont5.19 Km
Bougton End5.31 Km
North Crawley5.46 Km
East End5.46 Km
Bow Brickhill5.49 Km
Walton5.50 Km
Birchmoor Green5.57 Km
Lidlington5.57 Km
Bourne End5.70 Km
Tilbrook5.84 Km
Caldecotte5.86 Km
Willen Lake5.97 Km
Woolstone6.06 Km