Roseburn Map, Satellite view of Roseburn, City of Edinburgh, Scotland

Roseburn is located in City of Edinburgh County, City of Edinburgh, Scotland, Scotland, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Roseburn

Latitude of city of Roseburn is 55.94269 and longitude of city of Roseburn is -3.23769. Roseburn has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of City of Edinburgh.
The County of Roseburn is City of Edinburgh.

Postcode / zip code of Roseburn

EH12 5

Administrative division of Roseburn

County :City of Edinburgh

GPS coordinates of Roseburn

Latitude : 55.94269
Longitude : -3.23769

Online Map of Roseburn - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Roseburn in the United Kingdom

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Roseburn weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Roseburn?

List of Railway Stations near to Roseburn
The nearest railway stations to Roseburn are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Roseburn
Haymarket Station1.25 Km
Slateford Station1.81 Km
Kingsknowe Station3.15 Km
Edinburgh Station3.26 Km
South Gyle Station3.91 Km
Wester Hailes Station4.29 Km
Edinburgh Park Station4.67 Km
Edinburgh Gateway Station5.15 Km
Curriehill Station6.89 Km
Brunstane Station8.51 Km

Airports Near to Roseburn

Edinburgh Airport , UK (8.43 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Roseburn?

List of Stops near to Roseburn
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Roseburn are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Roseburn
Murrayfield Stadium (Edinburgh Trams) (To City)82 m
Murrayfield Stadium (Edinburgh Trams)84 m
Murrayfield Stadium (Edinburgh Trams) (From City)86 m
Roseburn Street Bus Stop (at)252 m
Roseburn Street Bus Stop (before)271 m
Roseburn Street Bus Stop (opp)278 m
Ormidale Terrace Bus Stop (opp)368 m
Roseburn Gardens Bus Stop (after)369 m
Ormidale Terrace Bus Stop (after)378 m
Roseburn Gardens Bus Stop (opp)380 m

Cities or Towns near Roseburn

List of places near to

Gorgie0.74 Km
Murrayfield0.80 Km
Saughtonhall0.88 Km
Dalry0.96 Km
Coates1.03 Km
Ravelston1.08 Km
North Merchiston1.10 Km
Dean1.32 Km
Fountainbridge1.55 Km
Merchiston1.59 Km
Orchard Brae1.64 Km
Stenhouse1.75 Km
West End1.82 Km
Churchhill1.95 Km
Saughton1.97 Km
Tollcross2.04 Km
Comely Bank2.09 Km
Blackhall2.18 Km
Craiglockhart2.32 Km
Slateford2.33 Km
Carrick Knowe2.36 Km
Bruntsfield2.39 Km
Craigleith2.45 Km
Drylaw2.47 Km
Stockbridge2.48 Km
New Town2.59 Km
Morningside2.62 Km
Corstorphine2.72 Km
Broomhouse2.76 Km
Longstone2.78 Km
Marchmont2.78 Km
Old Town2.79 Km
The Grange2.93 Km
Inverleith3.00 Km
Parkhead3.02 Km
Roxburgh's Court3.02 Km
Sciennes3.13 Km
Canonmills3.20 Km
South Side3.21 Km
Edinburgh3.25 Km
Greenbank3.30 Km
Clermiston3.35 Km
Kingsknowe3.40 Km
Colinton Mains3.42 Km
West Pilton3.45 Km
Warriston3.48 Km
Muirhouse3.51 Km
Silverknowes3.51 Km
The Braids3.52 Km
Pilton3.55 Km