Rinnigill Map, Satellite view of Rinnigill, Orkney, Scotland

Rinnigill is located in Orkney County, Orkney Islands, Scotland, Scotland, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Rinnigill

Latitude of city of Rinnigill is 58.82538 and longitude of city of Rinnigill is -3.18541. Rinnigill has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Orkney.
The County of Rinnigill is Orkney.

Postcode / zip code of Rinnigill

KW16 3

Administrative division of Rinnigill

County :Orkney

GPS coordinates of Rinnigill

Latitude : 58.82538
Longitude : -3.18541

Online Map of Rinnigill - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Rinnigill in the United Kingdom

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Rinnigill weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Rinnigill?

List of Stops near to Rinnigill
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Rinnigill are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Rinnigill
Lyness Orkney Ferry Terminal974 m
Lyness Orkney Ferry Terminal Ferry Terminal (Entrance)1.01 Km
Lyness Pier Bus Stop (at)1.05 Km
Pier Bus Stop (at)1.05 Km
Lyness Naval Base Bus Stop (at)1.11 Km
Ferry Terminal Ferry Terminal (Entrance)1.20 Km
Ore Farm Road End Bus Stop (at)1.25 Km
Ore Farm Road End Bus Stop (opp)1.27 Km
Ore Burn Cottage Bus Stop (at)1.35 Km
Ore Burn Cottage Bus Stop (opp)1.36 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Rinnigill

List of Historic places near to Rinnigill

NameDistances from Rinnigill
Hackness Martello Tower3.09 Km
Dwarfie Stane9.92 Km
Orphir Round Church10.81 Km
Cities or Towns near Rinnigill

List of places near to

Crockness0.96 Km
Lyness1.53 Km
Little Ayre2.35 Km
North Ness2.48 Km
Wyng2.68 Km
Longhope3.29 Km
Hackness3.51 Km
Osmondwall4.47 Km
Hurliness5.62 Km
Brims5.67 Km
Melsetter6.42 Km
Midland10.26 Km
Houton10.29 Km
Hoxa10.49 Km
Herston10.61 Km
The Breck10.69 Km
Quoyness11.14 Km
Quindry11.51 Km
Petertown11.72 Km
Ronaldsvoe11.81 Km
Swanbister12.12 Km
Widewall12.19 Km
Orphir12.42 Km
Rackwick12.72 Km
Sandwick12.76 Km
St Margaret's Hope12.90 Km
Hoy13.05 Km
Clestrain13.12 Km
Smoogro13.38 Km
Aikers14.26 Km
Hobbister14.35 Km
Lythes14.43 Km
Westhill14.71 Km
Eastside14.79 Km
Hillside14.99 Km