Pipe Aston Map, Satellite view of Pipe Aston, Herefordshire, England

Pipe Aston is located in Herefordshire County, County of Herefordshire, West Midlands, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Pipe Aston

Latitude of city of Pipe Aston is 52.34271 and longitude of city of Pipe Aston is -2.79222. Pipe Aston has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Herefordshire.
The County of Pipe Aston is Herefordshire.

Postcode / zip code of Pipe Aston

SY8 2

Administrative division of Pipe Aston

County :Herefordshire

GPS coordinates of Pipe Aston

Latitude : 52.34271
Longitude : -2.79222

Online Map of Pipe Aston - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Pipe Aston in the United Kingdom

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Pipe Aston weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Pipe Aston?

List of Railway Stations near to Pipe Aston
The nearest railway stations to Pipe Aston are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Pipe Aston
Ludlow Station6.06 Km
Hopton Heath Station9.77 Km
Bucknell Station10.66 Km
Broome Station10.91 Km
Craven Arms Station11.52 Km
Leominster Station13.68 Km
Knighton Station16.98 Km
Knucklas Station20.78 Km
Church Stretton Station21.67 Km
Llangynllo Station25.09 Km

Airports Near to Pipe Aston

Shobdon Aerodrome , UK (12.76 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Pipe Aston?

List of Stops near to Pipe Aston
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Pipe Aston are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Pipe Aston
Church Bus Stop (opp)99 m
Church Bus Stop (adj)101 m
Church Bus Stop (opp)1.11 Km
Church Bus Stop (adj)1.11 Km
Burrington Turn Bus Stop (adj)3.31 Km
Burrington Turn Bus Stop (opp)3.32 Km
Crossroads Bus Stop (adj)3.59 Km
Crossroads Bus Stop (opp)3.60 Km
Post Box Bus Stop (opp)3.60 Km
Post Box Bus Stop (adj)3.60 Km

Cities or Towns near Pipe Aston

List of places near to

Elton1.40 Km
Burrington1.87 Km
Bringewood Forge2.65 Km
Batchcott3.42 Km
Wylde3.48 Km
Downton on the Rock3.65 Km
Leinthall Starkes3.80 Km
Lady Halton3.83 Km
Richards Castle3.94 Km
Orleton Common3.94 Km
Mitnell4.17 Km
Overton4.19 Km
Leinthall Earls4.53 Km
Ashley Moor4.76 Km
Priors Halton4.91 Km
Portway5.05 Km
Wigmore5.22 Km
Bromfield5.43 Km
Comberton5.44 Km
Wetmore5.46 Km
Whitton5.48 Km
Ashford Bowdler5.49 Km
Ludford5.57 Km
Orleton5.67 Km
Ludlow5.69 Km
Welshman's Lane5.76 Km
Kinton5.80 Km
Yatton6.04 Km
Duxmoor6.12 Km
Ashford Carbonell6.14 Km
Todding6.14 Km
Leintwardine6.17 Km
Adforton6.19 Km
Bircher6.42 Km
Cock Gate6.44 Km
Wootton6.46 Km
Lower Todding6.65 Km
Whittytree6.67 Km
Woofferton6.79 Km
Wyson6.98 Km
Yarpole7.01 Km
Onibury7.01 Km
Brimfield7.13 Km
Walford7.18 Km
Rockgreen7.23 Km
Ballsgate Common7.23 Km
Sheet7.38 Km
Enmore Field7.43 Km
Lower Lye7.60 Km
Walton7.60 Km