Pett Map, Satellite view of Pett, East Sussex, England

Pett is located in East Sussex County, Rother District, South East, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Pett

Latitude of city of Pett is 50.89484 and longitude of city of Pett is 0.66317. Pett has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of East Sussex.
The County of Pett is East Sussex.

Postcode / zip code of Pett

TN35 4

Administrative division of Pett

County :East Sussex

GPS coordinates of Pett

Latitude : 50.89484
Longitude : 0.66317

Online Map of Pett - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Pett in the United Kingdom

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Pett weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Pett?

List of Railway Stations near to Pett
The nearest railway stations to Pett are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Pett
Three Oaks Station3.58 Km
Doleham Station4.57 Km
Winchelsea Station5.12 Km
Ore Station5.90 Km
Hastings Station7.32 Km
Rye Station7.96 Km
St.Leonards Warrior Square Station8.43 Km
West St Leonards Station9.81 Km
Crowhurst Station11.37 Km
Battle Station11.98 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Pett?

List of Stops near to Pett
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Pett are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Pett
Church Bus Stop (opp)121 m
Church Bus Stop (adj)126 m
Elms Lane Bus Stop (adj)337 m
Elms Lane Bus Stop (opp)348 m
Pett Road Bus Stop (NW-bound)1.14 Km
Pett Road Bus Stop (SE-bound)1.14 Km
Rosemary Lane Bus Stop (adj)1.36 Km
Rosemary Lane Bus Stop (opp)1.38 Km
Chick Hill Bus Stop (adj)1.46 Km
Chick Hill Bus Stop (opp)1.47 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Pett
Cities or Towns near Pett

List of places near to

Pett Level1.21 Km
Cliff End1.37 Km
Friar's Hill1.82 Km
Fairlight Cove2.06 Km
Guestling Green2.11 Km
Icklesham2.30 Km
Fairlight2.53 Km
Broad Street2.92 Km
Guestling Thorn3.02 Km
Bachelor's Bump3.33 Km
Three Oaks3.61 Km
Lidham Hill3.83 Km
Ore4.29 Km
Winchelsea4.59 Km
Udimore4.83 Km
Winchelsea Beach4.85 Km
Cock Marling4.93 Km
Clive Vale5.08 Km
Belmont5.18 Km
St Helen's5.36 Km
Halton5.70 Km
Broomgrove5.71 Km
High Wickham5.79 Km
Broomsgrove5.98 Km
St Helen's Wood6.00 Km
Old Town6.15 Km
Broadland Row6.16 Km
Westfield6.30 Km
Brede6.49 Km
West Hill6.53 Km
Blacklands6.68 Km
Silverhill Park6.99 Km
Cackle Street7.11 Km
Hastings7.17 Km
Baldslow7.49 Km
Broad Oak7.54 Km
Rye7.98 Km
Bohemia8.04 Km
Silverhill8.08 Km
Beckley Furnace8.08 Km
Rye Harbour8.32 Km
Hollington8.46 Km
Goatham Green8.49 Km
St Leonards Green8.59 Km
Chitcombe8.77 Km
St Leonards8.78 Km
Peasmarsh8.92 Km
Hollington Park9.01 Km
Rye Foreign9.02 Km
Playden9.38 Km