Pentre Broughton Map, Satellite view of Pentre Broughton, Clwyd, Wales

Pentre Broughton is located in Clwyd County, Wrexham / Wrecsam, Wales, Wales, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Pentre Broughton

Latitude of city of Pentre Broughton is 53.06520 and longitude of city of Pentre Broughton is -3.03861. Pentre Broughton has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Clwyd.
The County of Pentre Broughton is Clwyd.

Postcode / zip code of Pentre Broughton

LL11 6

Administrative division of Pentre Broughton

County :Clwyd

GPS coordinates of Pentre Broughton

Latitude : 53.06520
Longitude : -3.03861

Online Map of Pentre Broughton - road map, satellite view and street view

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The weather for Pentre Broughton in the United Kingdom

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Pentre Broughton weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Pentre Broughton?

List of Railway Stations near to Pentre Broughton
The nearest railway stations to Pentre Broughton are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Pentre Broughton
Gwersyllt Station1.61 Km
Wrexham General Station2.93 Km
Wrexham Central Station3.38 Km
Cefn-Y-Bedd Station3.77 Km
Caergwrle Station4.76 Km
Hope (Clwyd) Station5.80 Km
Ruabon Station8.69 Km
Penyffordd Station8.73 Km
Buckley Station10.94 Km
Hawarden Station13.37 Km

Airports Near to Pentre Broughton

Hawarden Airport , UK (13.19 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Pentre Broughton?

List of Stops near to Pentre Broughton
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Pentre Broughton are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Pentre Broughton
Library Bus Stop (os)272 m
Library Bus Stop (opp)280 m
Church Road Bus Stop309 m
Church Road Bus Stop320 m
Civic Amenity Site Bus Stop366 m
Shops Bus Stop (os)369 m
Bakery Fields Bus Stop374 m
Civic Amenity Site Bus Stop375 m
Robert`s Road Bus Stop (opp)376 m
Bakery Fields Bus Stop377 m

Historic Places to Visit near Pentre Broughton
Cities or Towns near Pentre Broughton

List of places near to

Brynteg0.57 Km
Southsea0.86 Km
Rhosrhedyn0.86 Km
Tanyfron0.90 Km
Highfield0.91 Km
Moss1.18 Km
New Broughton1.19 Km
Summer Hill1.40 Km
Gatewen1.41 Km
Gwersyllt1.73 Km
Brymbo1.80 Km
The W auns1.97 Km
Rhosrobin1.99 Km
Windy Hill2.00 Km
Ffos-y-go2.00 Km
Talwrn2.28 Km
Mount Sion2.28 Km
Bradley2.37 Km
Plas Coch2.40 Km
Bryngwyn2.43 Km
Coedpoeth2.46 Km
Stansty2.51 Km
The Smelt2.69 Km
Sydallt2.83 Km
Gardd Estyn3.04 Km
Croes Eneurys3.05 Km
Garden Village3.10 Km
Rhosddu3.12 Km
Gegin3.21 Km
Glascoed3.25 Km
Bersham3.30 Km
Ddol3.36 Km
The Wern3.40 Km
Minera3.41 Km
Wrexham / Wrecsam3.50 Km
Ffrith3.51 Km
New Brighton3.51 Km
Felin Puleston3.60 Km
Bryn Offa3.60 Km
Cefn-y-bedd3.65 Km
Little Acton3.69 Km
Acton3.74 Km
Cymau3.76 Km
Rhostyllen3.92 Km
Maes-y-Dre4.00 Km
Aber-oer4.01 Km
Borras4.11 Km
Llay4.24 Km
Fron-dêg4.25 Km
Bwlchgwyn4.27 Km