Peckingell Map, Satellite view of Peckingell, Wiltshire, England

Peckingell is located in Wiltshire County, Wiltshire, South West, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Peckingell

Latitude of city of Peckingell is 51.46943 and longitude of city of Peckingell is -2.09497. Peckingell has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Wiltshire.
The County of Peckingell is Wiltshire.

Postcode / zip code of Peckingell

SN15 4

Administrative division of Peckingell

County :Wiltshire

GPS coordinates of Peckingell

Latitude : 51.46943
Longitude : -2.09497

Online Map of Peckingell - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Peckingell in the United Kingdom

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Peckingell weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Peckingell?

List of Railway Stations near to Peckingell
The nearest railway stations to Peckingell are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Peckingell
Chippenham Station1.61 Km
Melksham Station10.54 Km
Bradford-On-Avon Station17.63 Km
Trowbridge Station18.58 Km
Avoncliff Station19.37 Km
Freshford Station20.12 Km
Bath Spa Station20.84 Km
Oldfield Park Station22.19 Km
Kemble Station23.61 Km
Westbury Station23.64 Km

Airports Near to Peckingell

RAF Lyneham , UK (8.07 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Peckingell?

List of Stops near to Peckingell
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Peckingell are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Peckingell
Oakhurst Bus Stop (W-bound)843 m
Oakhurst Bus Stop (E-bound)844 m
Gales Close Bus Stop (SE-bound)853 m
Cocklebury Road Bus Stop (N-bound)955 m
TheTurn Bus Stop (S-bound)1.00 Km
The Turn Bus Stop (N-bound)1.01 Km
Newall Tuck Road Bus Stop (SW-bound)1.12 Km
Spar Store Bus Stop (o/s)1.26 Km
Manor Farm Bus Stop (o/s)1.31 Km
Barrow Green Bus Stop (N-bound)1.32 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Peckingell
Cities or Towns near Peckingell

List of places near to

Langley Burrell0.84 Km
Tytherton Lucas1.29 Km
Chippenham1.81 Km
Kellaways1.93 Km
Gladstone Parade1.96 Km
Kington Langley2.61 Km
Stanley2.70 Km
Pewsham3.00 Km
East Tytherton3.09 Km
Bowldown3.16 Km
Avon3.21 Km
Bremhill Wick3.47 Km
Draycot Cerne3.74 Km
Allington Bar3.89 Km
Studley4.24 Km
Sutton Benger4.24 Km
Allington4.25 Km
Kington St Michael4.37 Km
Foxham4.42 Km
Derry Hill4.49 Km
Sheldon Corner4.65 Km
Bremhill4.73 Km
Charlcutt5.02 Km
Low Bridge5.09 Km
Ratford5.16 Km
Brookside5.21 Km
Christian Malford5.30 Km
Thornend5.45 Km
Reybridge5.60 Km
Buck Hill5.65 Km
Easton Piercy5.79 Km
Thingley5.89 Km
Easton5.92 Km
Bewley Common6.00 Km
Notton6.02 Km
Stanton St Quintin6.27 Km
Spirthill6.32 Km
Upper Seagry6.34 Km
Lacock6.39 Km
Bowden Hill6.56 Km
Lower Stanton St Quintin6.59 Km
Westrop6.64 Km
Upper Town6.92 Km
Lower Seagry6.96 Km
Leigh Delamere6.98 Km
The Square7.03 Km
Yatton Keynell7.07 Km
Calne7.14 Km
Biddestone7.25 Km
Seagry Heath7.28 Km