Overpool Map, Satellite view of Overpool, Cheshire, England

Overpool is located in Cheshire County, Cheshire West and Chester, North West, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Overpool

Latitude of city of Overpool is 53.28896 and longitude of city of Overpool is -2.92381. Overpool has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Cheshire.
The County of Overpool is Cheshire.

Postcode / zip code of Overpool

CH66 1

Administrative division of Overpool

County :Cheshire

GPS coordinates of Overpool

Latitude : 53.28896
Longitude : -2.92381

Online Map of Overpool - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Overpool in the United Kingdom

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Overpool weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Overpool?

List of Railway Stations near to Overpool
The nearest railway stations to Overpool are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Overpool
Overpool Station546 m
Little Sutton Station1.35 Km
Ellesmere Port Station1.97 Km
Capenhurst Station3.43 Km
Hooton Station3.65 Km
Eastham Rake Station4.33 Km
Stanlow and Thornton Station5.56 Km
Bromborough Station5.56 Km
Bromborough Rake Station6.31 Km
Ince and Elton Station7.26 Km

Airports Near to Overpool

Liverpool John Lennon Airport , UK (6.99 Km)

Hawarden Airport , UK (12.84 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Overpool?

List of Stops near to Overpool
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Overpool are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Overpool
Forest Road Bus Stop (cnr)41 m
Rivacre Road Bus Stop (nr)207 m
Hillside Drive Bus Stop (cnr)233 m
Forest Road Bus Stop (nr)257 m
Cemetery Gates Bus Stop (nr)264 m
Cemetery Gates Bus Stop (opp)280 m
Netherpool Road Bus Stop (cnr)300 m
Netherpool Road Bus Stop (cnr)305 m
Rivacre Brow Bus Stop (cnr)309 m
Hillside Drive Bus Stop (opp)316 m

Historic Places to Visit near Overpool
Cities or Towns near Overpool

List of places near to

Little Sutton1.80 Km
Ellesmere Port1.84 Km
Great Sutton1.84 Km
Sutton Green1.87 Km
Whitby1.90 Km
Childer Thornton2.23 Km
Hooton2.53 Km
Wolverham2.68 Km
Whitbyheath3.06 Km
Stanlow3.50 Km
Backford Cross3.78 Km
Capenhurst3.99 Km
Ledsham4.00 Km
Little Stanney4.05 Km
Outlet Village4.08 Km
Eastham4.08 Km
Eastham Ferry4.67 Km
Two Mills4.74 Km
Brookhurst5.00 Km
Woodbank5.34 Km
Willaston5.52 Km
Stoak5.55 Km
Backford5.67 Km
Croughton5.88 Km
Lea by Backford5.91 Km
Bebington5.99 Km
Bromborough6.18 Km
Thornton-le-Moors6.27 Km
Raby Mere6.44 Km
Wervin6.47 Km
Ince6.55 Km
Mollington6.79 Km
Puddington6.90 Km
Windle Hill7.15 Km
Spital7.18 Km
Shotwick7.19 Km
Oglet7.23 Km
Saughall7.23 Km
Elton Green7.25 Km
Garston7.36 Km
Moston7.39 Km
Speke7.43 Km
Elton7.43 Km
Grassendale Park7.48 Km
Cressington Park7.58 Km
Poulton7.69 Km
Picton7.71 Km
Bromborough Pool7.84 Km
Raby7.85 Km
Wimbolds Trafford7.93 Km