Osgodby Map, Satellite view of Osgodby, Lincolnshire, England

Osgodby is located in Lincolnshire County, West Lindsey District, East Midlands, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Osgodby

Latitude of city of Osgodby is 53.41950 and longitude of city of Osgodby is -0.38034. Osgodby has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Lincolnshire.
The County of Osgodby is Lincolnshire.

Postcode / zip code of Osgodby

LN8 3

Administrative division of Osgodby

County :Lincolnshire

GPS coordinates of Osgodby

Latitude : 53.41950
Longitude : -0.38034

Online Map of Osgodby - road map, satellite view and street view

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What is the nearest train station to Osgodby?

List of Railway Stations near to Osgodby
The nearest railway stations to Osgodby are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Osgodby
Market Rasen Station4.89 Km
Kirton Lindsey Station15.90 Km
Brigg Station16.03 Km
Barnetby Station17.41 Km
Habrough Station22.00 Km
Stallingborough Station22.73 Km
Ulceby Station22.82 Km
Healing Station23.17 Km
Lincoln Central Station23.98 Km
Great Coates Station23.99 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Osgodby?

List of Stops near to Osgodby
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Osgodby are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Osgodby
Main Street Junction Bus Stop (N-bound)43 m
Main Street Junction Bus Stop (S-bound)47 m
Crown Inn Bus Stop (adj)352 m
Demand Responsive Area Bus Stop361 m
Crown Inn Bus Stop (opp)370 m
Demand Responsive Area Bus Stop1.44 Km
The Lodge Bus Stop (opp)1.68 Km
The Lodge Bus Stop (adj)1.74 Km
Demand Responsive Area Bus Stop1.82 Km
Demand Responsive Area Bus Stop2.04 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Osgodby
Cities or Towns near Osgodby

List of places near to

Kirkby1.29 Km
Usselby1.96 Km
South Owersby2.01 Km
Kingerby2.19 Km
North Owersby2.56 Km
Middle Rasen3.79 Km
West Rasen3.89 Km
Claxby4.01 Km
Thornton le Moor4.05 Km
Walesby Grange4.32 Km
Market Rasen4.57 Km
Bishopbridge4.88 Km
Normanby le Wold4.93 Km
Holton le Moor5.23 Km
Walesby5.64 Km
Toft next Newton5.65 Km
Otby5.81 Km
Newton by Toft5.92 Km
Moortown6.52 Km
Nettleton Top6.57 Km
South Kelsey6.85 Km
Newtoft6.88 Km
Buslingthorpe7.53 Km
Brandy Wharf7.59 Km
Tealby7.76 Km
Glentham7.82 Km
Tealby Thorpe7.84 Km
Nettleton7.99 Km
Faldingworth8.10 Km
Caenby8.29 Km
Normanby-by-Spital8.85 Km
Legsby8.88 Km
North Kelsey Moor9.12 Km
Owmby-by-Spital9.15 Km
Friesthorpe9.25 Km
Bishop Norton9.32 Km
Snitterby9.47 Km
Bleasby9.53 Km
Saxby9.55 Km
Atterby9.56 Km
Stainton le Vale9.60 Km
Sandbraes9.62 Km
North Willingham9.63 Km
Caistor9.65 Km
North Kelsey9.67 Km
Lissington9.79 Km
East Firsby9.81 Km
Thoresway9.86 Km
Rothwell10.09 Km
Waddingham10.15 Km