Oldberrow Map, Satellite view of Oldberrow, Warwickshire, England

Oldberrow is located in Warwickshire County, Stratford-on-Avon District, West Midlands, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Oldberrow

Latitude of city of Oldberrow is 52.28989 and longitude of city of Oldberrow is -1.82786. Oldberrow has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Warwickshire.
The County of Oldberrow is Warwickshire.

Postcode / zip code of Oldberrow

B95 5

Administrative division of Oldberrow

County :Warwickshire

GPS coordinates of Oldberrow

Latitude : 52.28989
Longitude : -1.82786

Online Map of Oldberrow - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Oldberrow in the United Kingdom

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Oldberrow weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Oldberrow?

List of Railway Stations near to Oldberrow
The nearest railway stations to Oldberrow are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Oldberrow
Henley-In-Arden Station2.99 Km
Wootton Wawen Station3.89 Km
Danzey Station3.91 Km
Wood End Station6.08 Km
Bearley Station7.31 Km
The Lakes Station7.79 Km
Redditch Station8.19 Km
Earlswood (West Midlands) Station8.82 Km
Wilmcote Station8.90 Km
Claverdon Station9.04 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Oldberrow?

List of Stops near to Oldberrow
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Oldberrow are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Oldberrow
Church Hill Bus Stop (Adj)1.50 Km
Winged Spur Bus Stop (Adj)1.66 Km
Ullenhall Turn Bus Stop (Adj)2.02 Km
Henley-in-Arden Rail Station (Rear Entrance)2.96 Km
Henley-in-Arden Rail Station (Main Entrance)2.99 Km
Henley-in-Arden Rail Station2.99 Km
Henley-in-Arden Bus Stop (Adj)3.00 Km
Yew Tree Gardens Bus Stop (Opp)3.00 Km
Henley College Bus Stop (Adj)3.09 Km
Tudor Dairies Bus Stop (Adj)3.23 Km

Cities or Towns near Oldberrow

List of places near to

Morton Bagot0.74 Km
Ullenhall1.49 Km
Outhill1.69 Km
Hallend2.62 Km
Dean's Green2.81 Km
Blunt's Green3.05 Km
Henley-In-Arden3.25 Km
Shelfield3.36 Km
Beaudesert3.72 Km
Danzey Green3.79 Km
Mappleborough Green3.80 Km
Matchborough3.95 Km
Gorcott Hill3.99 Km
Winyates Green4.01 Km
Buckley Green4.05 Km
Wootton Wawen4.16 Km
Trap's Green4.25 Km
Shelfield Green4.27 Km
Winyates4.40 Km
Washford4.54 Km
Kite Green4.57 Km
Spernall4.79 Km
Tanworth-in-Arden4.82 Km
Preston Green4.96 Km
Pink Green4.97 Km
Little Alne5.05 Km
Studley5.06 Km
Kemps Green5.12 Km
Moon's Moat5.14 Km
Aspley Heath5.15 Km
Ipsley5.17 Km
New End5.27 Km
Alne Hills5.27 Km
Green Lane5.33 Km
Littlewood Green5.42 Km
Park Farm5.43 Km
Preston Bagot5.44 Km
Branson's Cross5.52 Km
Preston Fields5.69 Km
Holt End5.74 Km
Baylis Green5.79 Km
Gilbert's Green5.89 Km
Wood End5.90 Km
Rushbrook5.93 Km
Woodrow5.93 Km
Greenlands6.09 Km
Aston Cantlow6.16 Km
Middletown6.17 Km
Beoley6.36 Km
Great Alne6.38 Km