Offenham Map, Satellite view of Offenham, Worcestershire, England

Offenham is located in Worcestershire County, Wychavon District, West Midlands, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Offenham

Latitude of city of Offenham is 52.11232 and longitude of city of Offenham is -1.92196. Offenham has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Worcestershire.
The County of Offenham is Worcestershire.

Postcode / zip code of Offenham

WR11 8

Administrative division of Offenham

County :Worcestershire

GPS coordinates of Offenham

Latitude : 52.11232
Longitude : -1.92196

Online Map of Offenham - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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Offenham weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Offenham?

List of Railway Stations near to Offenham
The nearest railway stations to Offenham are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Offenham
Evesham Station2.32 Km
Honeybourne Station6.14 Km
Pershore Station10.41 Km
Wilmcote Station16.72 Km
Stratford-Upon-Avon Station16.73 Km
Stratford Pkway Station16.74 Km
Ashchurch Station17.95 Km
Bearley Station18.78 Km
Wootton Wawen Station19.57 Km
Moreton-In-Marsh Station20.19 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Offenham?

List of Stops near to Offenham
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Offenham are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Offenham
Post Office Bus Stop (opp)37 m
Post Office Bus Stop (Adj)55 m
Leasowes Road Bus Stop (Opp)195 m
Leasowes Road Bus Stop (Adj)200 m
The Maypole Bus Stop (Adj)467 m
Laurels Road- Laurels Close Bus Stop (Opp)515 m
Laurels Avenue Bus Stop (Adj)520 m
Laurels Road Bus Stop (NW bound)737 m
Laurels Road Bus Stop (SE bound)739 m
Offenham Bus Stop (Adj)860 m

Cities or Towns near Offenham

List of places near to

Offenham Cross1.17 Km
Twyford1.26 Km
Norton1.95 Km
Greenhill2.04 Km
Aldington2.13 Km
South Littleton2.18 Km
Blackminster2.19 Km
Middle Littleton2.30 Km
Lenchwick2.35 Km
Bengeworth2.64 Km
Evesham2.80 Km
Chadbury3.15 Km
Harvington3.15 Km
Badsey3.21 Km
North Littleton3.24 Km
Four Pools3.55 Km
Hampton4.00 Km
Hoden4.32 Km
Bretforton4.46 Km
Charlton4.50 Km
Abbot's Salford4.51 Km
Cleeve Prior4.63 Km
Sheriff's Lench4.66 Km
Wickhamford4.69 Km
Atch Lench5.20 Km
Badger's Hill5.52 Km
Salford Priors5.53 Km
Hill Furze5.61 Km
Cropthorne5.73 Km
Rushford5.75 Km
Ullington5.76 Km
Hinton Cross5.83 Km
Murcot5.95 Km
Church Lench5.96 Km
Upper Haselor5.97 Km
Fladbury5.99 Km
Fladbury Cross6.11 Km
Marlcliff6.17 Km
Iron Cross6.30 Km
Mount Pleasant6.38 Km
Bickmarsh6.49 Km
Honeybourne6.50 Km
Cock Bevington6.62 Km
Hinton on the Green6.66 Km
Ab Lench7.15 Km
Barton7.36 Km
Bidford-on-Avon7.49 Km
Lower Moor7.56 Km
Childswickham7.63 Km
Netherton7.72 Km