Newbottle Map, Satellite view of Newbottle, Tyne and Wear, England

Newbottle is located in Tyne and Wear County, Sunderland District, North East, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Newbottle

Latitude of city of Newbottle is 54.85733 and longitude of city of Newbottle is -1.47427. Newbottle has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Tyne and Wear.
The County of Newbottle is Tyne and Wear.

Postcode / zip code of Newbottle

DH4 4

Administrative division of Newbottle

County :Tyne and Wear

GPS coordinates of Newbottle

Latitude : 54.85733
Longitude : -1.47427

Online Map of Newbottle - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Newbottle in the United Kingdom

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Newbottle weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Newbottle?

List of Railway Stations near to Newbottle
The nearest railway stations to Newbottle are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Newbottle
Chester-Le-Street Station6.65 Km
Sunderland Station7.94 Km
Seaham Station8.44 Km
Durham Station11.07 Km
Heworth Station11.70 Km
Dunston Station14.88 Km
Manors Station15.31 Km
Newcastle Station15.37 Km
MetroCentre Station16.64 Km
Blaydon Station19.43 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Newbottle?

List of Stops near to Newbottle
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Newbottle are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Newbottle
Front Street - Hartoft Close Bus Stop (E-Bound)105 m
South Street Bus Stop (W-Bound)137 m
Front Street Bus Stop (SE-Bound)157 m
Front Street Bus Stop (E-Bound)174 m
Front Street Bus Stop (W-Bound)177 m
Sunderland Road-The Vicarage Bus Stop (W-Bound)195 m
Houghton Road-Coaley Lane Bus Stop (N-Bound)258 m
Houghton Road-Coaley Lane Bus Stop (S-Bound)266 m
Philadelphia Lane-The Crescent Bus Stop (S-Bound)321 m
Philadelphia Lane-The Crescent Bus Stop (N-Bound)356 m

Historic Places to Visit near Newbottle

List of Historic places near to Newbottle

NameDistances from Newbottle
Houghton-le-Spring, St Michael and All Angels1.76 Km
Washington Old Hall5.71 Km
Finchale Priory6.09 Km
Hylton Castle7.48 Km
Sunderland, Holy Trinity Church8.81 Km
Crook Hall10.50 Km
Durham Castle11.20 Km
Jarrow Monastery13.80 Km
Jarrow Hall13.89 Km
Souter Lighthouse14.41 Km
Cities or Towns near Newbottle

List of places near to

Grasswell0.71 Km
Sunniside0.90 Km
Burnside0.97 Km
Philadelphia1.02 Km
New Herrington1.24 Km
Houghton-le-Spring1.49 Km
Sedgeletch1.49 Km
West Herrington1.55 Km
Stony Gate1.65 Km
Shiney Row1.81 Km
High Dubmire1.82 Km
New Town2.02 Km
Fence Houses2.20 Km
Chilton Moor2.29 Km
Colliery Row2.42 Km
Doxford Park2.50 Km
Middle Herrington2.57 Km
Penshaw2.58 Km
East Herrington2.60 Km
Woodstone Village2.93 Km
Bournmoor2.96 Km
Rainton Bridge3.09 Km
Broom Hill3.15 Km
Moorside3.37 Km
Hasting Hill3.40 Km
Mount Pleasant3.43 Km
Lumley Thicks3.49 Km
East Rainton3.69 Km
Thorney Close3.72 Km
Hastings Hill3.77 Km
Hetton Downs3.79 Km
Offerton3.79 Km
Farringdon3.80 Km
Grindon3.90 Km
Cox Green3.92 Km
Fatfield3.93 Km
Silksworth3.96 Km
Great Eppleton4.01 Km
Middle Rainton4.03 Km
Sourmilk Hill4.23 Km
Hetton-le-Hole4.31 Km
Castle Dene4.34 Km
Teal Farm4.54 Km
Springwell4.70 Km
Old Burdon4.75 Km
Harraton4.78 Km
Columbia4.81 Km
Great Lumley4.83 Km
West Rainton4.92 Km
Pennywell4.98 Km