Netherton Map, Satellite view of Netherton, Hampshire, England

Netherton is located in Hampshire County, Test Valley District, South East, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Netherton

Latitude of city of Netherton is 51.31728 and longitude of city of Netherton is -1.45987. Netherton has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Hampshire.
The County of Netherton is Hampshire.

Postcode / zip code of Netherton

SP11 0

Administrative division of Netherton

County :Hampshire

GPS coordinates of Netherton

Latitude : 51.31728
Longitude : -1.45987

Online Map of Netherton - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Netherton in the United Kingdom

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Netherton weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Netherton?

List of Railway Stations near to Netherton
The nearest railway stations to Netherton are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Netherton
Kintbury Station9.53 Km
Hungerford Station11.45 Km
Bedwyn Station11.88 Km
Andover Station11.97 Km
Whitchurch (Hampshire) Station12.28 Km
Newbury Station13.05 Km
Newbury Racecourse Station13.89 Km
Overton Station15.61 Km
Thatcham Station17.29 Km
Grateley Station19.84 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Netherton?

List of Stops near to Netherton
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Netherton are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Netherton
The Jack Russell Bus Stop (SW-bound)1.34 Km
St Peters Church Bus Stop (adj)1.34 Km
St Peters Church Bus Stop (opp)1.35 Km
Rockmoor Lane Bus Stop (E-bound)2.63 Km
Rockmoor Lane Bus Stop (W-bound)2.63 Km
Post Box Bus Stop (S-bound)2.88 Km
Post Box Bus Stop (N-bound)2.88 Km
Telephone Box Bus Stop (S-bound)3.09 Km
Telephone Box Bus Stop (N-bound)3.09 Km
Crown Inn Bus Stop (o/s)3.12 Km

Cities or Towns near Netherton

List of places near to

Faccombe1.23 Km
Linkenholt1.30 Km
Little Down2.66 Km
Vernham Street2.68 Km
Upton2.99 Km
Combe3.28 Km
Vernham Dean3.63 Km
Ashmansworth3.77 Km
Ibthorpe4.05 Km
Vernham Row4.23 Km
Hurstbourne Tarrant4.27 Km
Vernham Bank4.40 Km
East Woodhay4.75 Km
Hollington4.91 Km
Sladen Green4.94 Km
Henley5.20 Km
East End5.27 Km
Buttermere5.30 Km
Crux Easton5.37 Km
West Woodhay5.48 Km
Hollington Cross5.65 Km
Heath End5.68 Km
Fosbury5.76 Km
Inkpen Common5.84 Km
Upper Green5.84 Km
Trapshill5.88 Km
North End6.22 Km
Binley6.27 Km
Stoke6.35 Km
Hell Corner6.56 Km
Woolton Hill6.60 Km
Highclere6.64 Km
Lower Green6.71 Km
Ball Hill6.88 Km
Tangley6.92 Km
Woodcott6.95 Km
Inkpen6.99 Km
Ham7.03 Km
Wadwick7.07 Km
Rivar7.16 Km
Gore End7.19 Km
Wildhern7.22 Km
Oxenwood7.39 Km
Broad Layings7.52 Km
Chute Cadley7.62 Km
Penwood7.66 Km
Titcomb7.79 Km
Upper Enham7.83 Km
Swampton7.85 Km
Chute Standen7.89 Km