Micheldever Map, Satellite view of Micheldever, Hampshire, England

Micheldever is located in Hampshire County, Winchester District, South East, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Micheldever

Latitude of city of Micheldever is 51.14856 and longitude of city of Micheldever is -1.26451. Micheldever has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Hampshire.
The County of Micheldever is Hampshire.

Postcode / zip code of Micheldever

SO21 3

Administrative division of Micheldever

County :Hampshire

GPS coordinates of Micheldever

Latitude : 51.14856
Longitude : -1.26451

Online Map of Micheldever - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Micheldever in the United Kingdom

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Micheldever weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Micheldever?

List of Railway Stations near to Micheldever
The nearest railway stations to Micheldever are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Micheldever
Micheldever Station3.77 Km
Winchester Station9.83 Km
Whitchurch (Hampshire) Station11.13 Km
Overton Station11.76 Km
Shawford Station14.74 Km
Andover Station17.35 Km
Basingstoke Station18.16 Km
Chandlers Ford Station20.18 Km
Alton Station20.76 Km
Eastleigh Station20.82 Km

Airports Near to Micheldever

Popham Airport , UK (5.45 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Micheldever?

List of Stops near to Micheldever
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Micheldever are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Micheldever
War Memorial Bus Stop (opp)25 m
Village Hall Bus Stop (o/s)28 m
Village Hall Bus Stop (opp)43 m
Playing Fields Bus Stop (adj)225 m
Playing Fields Bus Stop (opp)230 m
Post Office & Stores Bus Stop (opp)297 m
Post Office & Stores Bus Stop (o/s)300 m
Northbrook Bus Stop (S-bound)675 m
Northbrook Bus Stop (W-bound)688 m
Deers Leap Turn Bus Stop (NE-bound)1.23 Km

Cities or Towns near Micheldever

List of places near to

Northbrook0.68 Km
Highways1.44 Km
Weston Colley1.51 Km
West Stratton1.86 Km
Stoke Charity2.82 Km
East Stratton2.86 Km
Hunton3.40 Km
Wonston4.22 Km
Egypt4.75 Km
Sutton Scotney5.15 Km
Northington5.19 Km
Woodmancott5.35 Km
Totford5.64 Km
South Wonston5.66 Km
Cocksford Down5.67 Km
Springvale5.82 Km
Upper Bullington5.96 Km
Swarraton5.97 Km
Martyr Worthy6.16 Km
Brown Candover6.29 Km
Itchen Abbas6.35 Km
Lower Bullington6.45 Km
Popham6.48 Km
Abbotstone6.58 Km
Abbots Worthy6.63 Km
Couch Green6.64 Km
Worthy Down6.86 Km
Easton7.00 Km
Kings Worthy7.06 Km
Avington7.27 Km
Headbourne Worthy7.43 Km
Chilton Candover7.53 Km
Itchen Stoke7.92 Km
Barton Stacey8.27 Km
North Waltham8.56 Km
Ovington8.65 Km
Old Alresford8.85 Km
Abbotts Barton8.87 Km
Harestock8.91 Km
Littleton9.09 Km
Winnall9.14 Km
Tufton9.48 Km
Steventon9.51 Km
Preston Candover9.52 Km
Laverstoke9.58 Km
Hyde9.60 Km
New Alresford9.66 Km
Weeke9.78 Km
Fairdown9.84 Km
Fulflood9.91 Km