Meikle Whitefield Map, Satellite view of Meikle Whitefield, Perth and Kinross, Scotland

Meikle Whitefield is located in Perth and Kinross County, Perth and Kinross, Scotland, Scotland, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Meikle Whitefield

Latitude of city of Meikle Whitefield is 56.49533 and longitude of city of Meikle Whitefield is -3.34160. Meikle Whitefield has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Perth and Kinross.
The County of Meikle Whitefield is Perth and Kinross.

Postcode / zip code of Meikle Whitefield

PH13 9

Administrative division of Meikle Whitefield

County :Perth and Kinross

GPS coordinates of Meikle Whitefield

Latitude : 56.49533
Longitude : -3.34160

Online Map of Meikle Whitefield - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Meikle Whitefield in the United Kingdom

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Meikle Whitefield weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Meikle Whitefield?

List of Railway Stations near to Meikle Whitefield
The nearest railway stations to Meikle Whitefield are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Meikle Whitefield
Perth Station12.97 Km
Dunkeld and Birnam Station16.06 Km
Invergowrie Station17.98 Km
Dundee Station23.15 Km
Ladybank Station28.09 Km
Cupar Station28.51 Km
Springfield Station28.51 Km
Broughty Ferry Station28.93 Km

Airports Near to Meikle Whitefield

Perth/Scone Airport , UK (6.52 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Meikle Whitefield?

List of Stops near to Meikle Whitefield
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Meikle Whitefield are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Meikle Whitefield
Craigieholm Crossroads Bus Stop (at)1.01 Km
Craigieholm Crossroads Bus Stop (opp)1.02 Km
Redstone Crossroads Bus Stop (Northbound)1.44 Km
Redstone Crossroads Bus Stop (Southbound)1.45 Km
Kinrossie road end Bus Stop (opp)2.11 Km
Kinrossie road end Bus Stop (at)2.13 Km
Croftanrigh Bus Stop (at)2.14 Km
Croftanrigh Bus Stop (opp)2.15 Km
Hawthorn Bank Bus Stop (opp)2.17 Km
Hawthorn Bank Bus Stop (at)2.18 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Meikle Whitefield

List of Historic places near to Meikle Whitefield

NameDistances from Meikle Whitefield
Stobhall3.82 Km
Meikleour Hedge4.56 Km
Stanley Mills5.82 Km
Scone Palace10.01 Km
Kinnoull Hill Tower11.28 Km
Black Watch Regimental Museum11.76 Km
Megginch Castle Gardens11.92 Km
JD Fergusson Gallery11.96 Km
Perth Museum and Art Gallery12.02 Km
St Johns Kirk, Perth12.31 Km
Branklyn Garden12.82 Km
Elcho Castle13.01 Km
Huntingtower Castle13.18 Km
Meigle Sculptured Stone Museum14.99 Km
Cities or Towns near Meikle Whitefield

List of places near to

East Whitefield0.00 Km
West Whitefield1.00 Km
Gallowhill1.45 Km
Wolfhill2.22 Km
Kinrossie2.55 Km
Saucher2.59 Km
Kirkton of Collace3.30 Km
Burrelton3.32 Km
Cargill3.35 Km
Collace3.58 Km
Ballathie4.08 Km
Woodside4.14 Km
Kinnochtry4.30 Km
Kinclaven4.61 Km
Guildtown4.66 Km
St Martins4.71 Km
Bandirran4.72 Km
Balbeggie5.13 Km
Meikleour5.33 Km
Campmuir5.36 Km
Newmiln6.39 Km
West Tofts6.64 Km
North Corston6.78 Km
Stanley6.84 Km
Markethill7.11 Km
Princeland7.20 Km
Coupar Angus7.24 Km
Airntully7.61 Km
Kettins7.81 Km
Carsie8.02 Km
Stormontfield8.12 Km
Leys8.39 Km
Murthly8.50 Km
Oakwood8.52 Km
Kirkton of Lethendy8.62 Km
Rosemount8.82 Km
Abernyte8.95 Km
Scone9.01 Km
Muirton of Ardblair9.04 Km
Gellyburn9.12 Km
Craigdallie9.13 Km
Luncarty9.19 Km
Waulkmill9.20 Km
Easter Essendy9.21 Km
Kinnaird9.29 Km
Spittalfield9.29 Km
Rait9.34 Km
Old Scone9.41 Km
Kilspindie9.80 Km
Ballindean9.81 Km