Mearns Map, Satellite view of Mearns, Renfrewshire, Scotland

Mearns is located in Renfrewshire County, East Renfrewshire, Scotland, Scotland, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Mearns

Latitude of city of Mearns is 55.76810 and longitude of city of Mearns is -4.32185. Mearns has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Renfrewshire.
The County of Mearns is Renfrewshire.

Postcode / zip code of Mearns

G77 5

Administrative division of Mearns

County :Renfrewshire

GPS coordinates of Mearns

Latitude : 55.76810
Longitude : -4.32185

Online Map of Mearns - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Mearns in the United Kingdom

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Mearns weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Mearns?

List of Railway Stations near to Mearns
The nearest railway stations to Mearns are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Mearns
Whitecraigs Station2.58 Km
Patterton Station2.64 Km
Williamwood Station3.46 Km
Clarkston Station3.73 Km
Busby Station3.97 Km
Giffnock Station4.38 Km
Thorntonhall Station4.42 Km
Thornliebank Station4.82 Km
Kennishead Station5.03 Km
Priesthill and Darnley Station5.07 Km

Airports Near to Mearns

Glasgow City Heliport , UK (10.49 Km)

Glasgow International Airport , UK (13.47 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Mearns?

List of Stops near to Mearns
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Mearns are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Mearns
Waterfoot Road Bus Stop (after)12 m
Waterfoot Road Bus Stop (opp)64 m
Kirkview Crescent Bus Stop (opp)135 m
Kirkview Crescent Bus Stop (after)149 m
Mearnscroft Road Bus Stop (after)154 m
Mearnscroft Road Bus Stop (opp)197 m
Newton Grove Bus Stop (before)283 m
Newton Grove Bus Stop (opp)317 m
Firwood Road Bus Stop (before)342 m
Cruachan Drive Bus Stop (opp)360 m

Historic Places to Visit near Mearns

List of Historic places near to Mearns

NameDistances from Mearns
Greenbank Garden2.27 Km
Holmwood House6.11 Km
Pollok House6.30 Km
Crookston Castle7.75 Km
Barochan Cross10.95 Km
Paisley Abbey10.95 Km
Paisley Museum10.99 Km
Botanic Gardens, Glasgow12.41 Km
Bothwell Castle14.97 Km
Cities or Towns near Mearns

List of places near to

Burnhouse0.59 Km
Broom0.81 Km
Newton Mearns0.87 Km
Kirkhill1.35 Km
Crookfur1.53 Km
Netherplace1.95 Km
Whitecraigs1.98 Km
Waterfoot2.52 Km
Millerston2.65 Km
Williamwood2.90 Km
Clarkston2.93 Km
Jenny Lind3.55 Km
Sheddens3.68 Km
Busby4.11 Km
Thornliebank4.13 Km
Southpark Village4.15 Km
Eaglesham4.19 Km
Stamperland4.25 Km
Auchenback4.33 Km
Orchard Park4.35 Km
Arden4.39 Km
Giffnock4.61 Km
Thorntonhall4.66 Km
Darnley4.71 Km
Carnwadric4.75 Km
South Nitshill4.82 Km
Kennishead4.96 Km
Netherlee5.01 Km
Jackton5.15 Km
Dovecothall5.26 Km
Springhill5.29 Km
Mansewood5.34 Km
Merrylee5.38 Km
Muirend5.51 Km
Arthurlie5.54 Km
Barrhead5.58 Km
Hillpark5.62 Km
Peel Park5.64 Km
Priesthill5.64 Km
Bowerwalls5.64 Km
Newlands5.72 Km
Crossmill5.79 Km
Auldhouse5.82 Km
Hairmyres5.85 Km
Philipshill5.93 Km
Carmunnock5.96 Km
Dunterlie6.04 Km
Nitshill6.05 Km
Lochlibo6.11 Km
Levernside6.12 Km