Marsh Map, Satellite view of Marsh, West Yorkshire, England

Marsh is located in West Yorkshire County, Kirklees District, Yorkshire and the Humber, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Marsh

Latitude of city of Marsh is 53.72168 and longitude of city of Marsh is -1.71221. Marsh has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of West Yorkshire.
The County of Marsh is West Yorkshire.

Postcode / zip code of Marsh

BD19 5

Administrative division of Marsh

County :West Yorkshire

GPS coordinates of Marsh

Latitude : 53.72168
Longitude : -1.71221

Online Map of Marsh - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Marsh in the United Kingdom

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What is the nearest train station to Marsh?

List of Railway Stations near to Marsh
The nearest railway stations to Marsh are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Marsh
Low Moor Station4.15 Km
Brighouse Station5.14 Km
Mirfield Station5.74 Km
Batley Station6.02 Km
Dewsbury Station6.16 Km
Ravensthorpe Station6.34 Km
Deighton Station6.47 Km
Bradford Interchange Station8.10 Km
Morley Station8.57 Km
Bradford Forster Square Station8.79 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Marsh?

List of Stops near to Marsh
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Marsh are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Marsh
Bus Station (Stand F)49 m
Bus Station (Stand E)54 m
Bus Station (Stand D)55 m
Bus Station (Stand C)57 m
Bus Station (Stand B)59 m
Bus Station (Stand A)61 m
Greenside Mortimer Street Bus Stop135 m
Parkside Crown Street Bus Stop207 m
Bradford Road Pearson St Bus Stop (adj)235 m
Hightown Road Bus Stop (S bound)237 m

Historic Places to Visit near Marsh

List of Historic places near to Marsh

NameDistances from Marsh
Bagshaw Museum4.51 Km
National Media Museum8.20 Km
Colour Experience8.75 Km
Halifax, All Souls Church9.89 Km
National Coal Mining Museum for England10.62 Km
Copley, St Stephens Church11.32 Km
Leeds, St John the Evangelist14.22 Km
Cities or Towns near Marsh

List of places near to

Cleckheaton0.21 Km
Spen0.60 Km
Rawfolds0.67 Km
West End1.07 Km
Moorbottom1.10 Km
Hightown1.15 Km
Moorend1.25 Km
Merchant Fields1.49 Km
Knowler Hill1.50 Km
Liversedge1.51 Km
Littletown1.54 Km
Hightown Heights1.66 Km
Hartshead Moor Side1.71 Km
Gomersal Hill Top1.91 Km
Drub1.99 Km
Hunsworth2.02 Km
Mill Bridge2.04 Km
Gomersal2.06 Km
Hartshead Moor Top2.35 Km
Lower Popeley2.41 Km
Westfield2.48 Km
Roberttown2.53 Km
Flush2.54 Km
Hartshead2.55 Km
Scholes2.61 Km
Norristhorpe2.62 Km
New Popplewell2.70 Km
Nunroyd2.74 Km
Swincliffe2.81 Km
Heckmondwike2.97 Km
White Lee3.14 Km
Oakenshaw3.17 Km
Birkenshaw Bottoms3.24 Km
Moor Top3.26 Km
Oakwell3.42 Km
Lower Woodlands3.42 Km
Birstall Smithies3.47 Km
Hill Top Estate3.49 Km
Birstall3.54 Km
Lower Wyke3.60 Km
Birkhouse3.62 Km
Birkenshaw3.63 Km
Brownhill End3.73 Km
Brown Hill3.80 Km
Wyke Common3.81 Km
Clifton3.82 Km
Brookroyd3.84 Km
Crossley Hill3.90 Km
Wyke3.90 Km
Healey3.92 Km