Lydiard Plain Map, Satellite view of Lydiard Plain, Wiltshire, England

Lydiard Plain is located in Wiltshire County, Wiltshire, South West, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Lydiard Plain

Latitude of city of Lydiard Plain is 51.57734 and longitude of city of Lydiard Plain is -1.92203. Lydiard Plain has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Wiltshire.
The County of Lydiard Plain is Wiltshire.

Postcode / zip code of Lydiard Plain

SN5 0

Administrative division of Lydiard Plain

County :Wiltshire

GPS coordinates of Lydiard Plain

Latitude : 51.57734
Longitude : -1.92203

Online Map of Lydiard Plain - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Lydiard Plain in the United Kingdom

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Lydiard Plain weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Lydiard Plain?

List of Railway Stations near to Lydiard Plain
The nearest railway stations to Lydiard Plain are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Lydiard Plain
Swindon Station9.53 Km
Kemble Station13.08 Km
Chippenham Station18.50 Km
Melksham Station26.83 Km
Stroud Station27.69 Km
Pewsey Station28.17 Km

Airports Near to Lydiard Plain

RAF Lyneham , UK (9.43 Km)

Cotswold Airport , UK (13.73 Km)

RAF Fairford , UK (14.80 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Lydiard Plain?

List of Stops near to Lydiard Plain
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Lydiard Plain are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Lydiard Plain
Braydon Crossroads Bus Stop (N-bound)1.12 Km
Braydon Crossroads Bus Stop (E-bound)1.15 Km
Highgate Cottages Bus Stop (E-bound)1.89 Km
Highgate Cottages Bus Stop (W-bound)1.90 Km
Caravan Centre Bus Stop (opp)2.44 Km
Caravan Centre Bus Stop (S-bound)2.45 Km
Greatfield Crossroads Bus Stop (N-bound)2.52 Km
Greatfield Crossroads Bus Stop (S-bound)2.53 Km
Greatfield Crossroads Bus Stop (S-bound)2.53 Km
The Farm Bus Stop (opp)2.54 Km

Cities or Towns near Lydiard Plain

List of places near to

Green Hill1.24 Km
Ballard's Ash2.36 Km
Greatfield2.43 Km
Callow Hill2.57 Km
Queen Street2.58 Km
Restrop2.64 Km
Dogridge2.86 Km
The Common3.02 Km
Hook3.05 Km
Lydiard Green3.11 Km
Stopper's Hill3.23 Km
Coped Hall3.46 Km
Minety Common3.58 Km
Purton Common3.60 Km
Hook Street3.66 Km
Braydon Side3.81 Km
Widham3.90 Km
Lydiard Millicent3.94 Km
Purton4.04 Km
Church End4.08 Km
Grittenham4.10 Km
Royal Wootton Bassett4.16 Km
Brinkworth4.62 Km
Brooklands4.81 Km
Common Platt4.99 Km
Vastern5.04 Km
The Fox5.08 Km
Minety5.15 Km
Purton Stoke5.27 Km
Middleleaze5.33 Km
Lydiard Tregoze5.37 Km
Leigh5.66 Km
The Prinnels5.73 Km
The Pry5.78 Km
Ramleaze5.79 Km
Lower Moor5.80 Km
Roughmoor5.86 Km
Windmill Hill5.92 Km
Tockenham Wick6.08 Km
Freshbrook6.27 Km
Hillmead6.38 Km
Blagrove6.45 Km
Wild Duck Mead6.50 Km
Hayes Knoll6.53 Km
Upper Minety6.60 Km
Eastleaze6.60 Km
Chelworth Lower Green6.70 Km
Waterhay6.76 Km
Rivermead6.78 Km
Westlea6.80 Km