Lower Soroba Map, Satellite view of Lower Soroba, Argyll and Bute, Scotland

Lower Soroba is located in Argyll and Bute County, Argyll and Bute, Scotland, Scotland, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Lower Soroba

Latitude of city of Lower Soroba is 56.40020 and longitude of city of Lower Soroba is -5.46625. Lower Soroba has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Argyll and Bute.
The County of Lower Soroba is Argyll and Bute.

Postcode / zip code of Lower Soroba

PA34 4

Administrative division of Lower Soroba

County :Argyll and Bute

GPS coordinates of Lower Soroba

Latitude : 56.40020
Longitude : -5.46625

Online Map of Lower Soroba - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Lower Soroba in the United Kingdom

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Lower Soroba weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Lower Soroba?

List of Railway Stations near to Lower Soroba
The nearest railway stations to Lower Soroba are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Lower Soroba
Oban Station1.45 Km
Connel Ferry Station7.64 Km
Taynuilt Station14.35 Km
Falls Of Cruachan Station21.78 Km
Loch Awe Station26.11 Km
Dalmally Station29.70 Km

Airports Near to Lower Soroba

Oban Airport , UK (8.14 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Lower Soroba?

List of Stops near to Lower Soroba
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Lower Soroba are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Lower Soroba
Creran Gardens junct Bus Stop (opp)56 m
Creran Gardens junct Bus Stop (at)56 m
Coe Gardens junct Bus Stop (at)135 m
Coe Gardens junct Bus Stop (opp)162 m
Morvern Hill junct Bus Stop (opp)165 m
Lonan Drive junct Bus Stop (after)180 m
Morvern Hill junct Bus Stop (at)181 m
Lonan Drive junct Bus Stop (opp)186 m
Lower Soroba Bus Stop (at)281 m
Primary Campus Bus Stop (at)296 m

Historic Places to Visit near Lower Soroba

List of Historic places near to Lower Soroba

NameDistances from Lower Soroba
McCaigs Tower1.75 Km
Dunstaffnage Castle5.44 Km
Ardchattan Priory12.65 Km
Duart Castle14.16 Km
Cities or Towns near Lower Soroba

List of places near to

Soroba0.33 Km
Dalintart1.04 Km
Pulpit Hill1.22 Km
Oban1.37 Km
Glencruitten1.86 Km
Lerags3.07 Km
Dunollie3.08 Km
Cleigh3.26 Km
Kilmore3.70 Km
Barran3.77 Km
Ganavan3.84 Km
Ardentallen5.10 Km
Dunbeg5.29 Km
Knipoch5.48 Km
Achaleven7.27 Km
Connel / A'Choingheal7.44 Km
Kilninver7.75 Km
North Connel8.01 Km
Black Crofts8.79 Km
Bragleenbeg9.58 Km
Ledaig9.60 Km
Fearnoch10.80 Km
Benderloch11.11 Km
Kiel Crofts11.22 Km
Tralee11.35 Km
Baravullin11.86 Km
Baligrundle12.28 Km
Achnacroish12.50 Km
Ardchattan12.55 Km
Clachan Seil12.72 Km
Oban Seil13.41 Km
Inveresragan13.50 Km
Balliveolan13.64 Km
South Shian13.67 Km
Airds Bay13.92 Km
Lochdon14.21 Km
Taynuilt14.35 Km
Melfort14.55 Km
Achlonan14.79 Km
Brochroy14.80 Km
Narrachan14.94 Km