Lower Langford Map, Satellite view of Lower Langford, Somerset, England

Lower Langford is located in Somerset County, North Somerset, South West, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Lower Langford

Latitude of city of Lower Langford is 51.34256 and longitude of city of Lower Langford is -2.77245. Lower Langford has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Somerset.
The County of Lower Langford is Somerset.

Postcode / zip code of Lower Langford

BS40 5

Administrative division of Lower Langford

County :Somerset

GPS coordinates of Lower Langford

Latitude : 51.34256
Longitude : -2.77245

Online Map of Lower Langford - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Lower Langford in the United Kingdom

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Lower Langford weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Lower Langford?

List of Railway Stations near to Lower Langford
The nearest railway stations to Lower Langford are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Lower Langford
Yatton Station6.62 Km
Nailsea and Backwell Station8.68 Km
Worle Station9.68 Km
Weston Milton Station11.82 Km
Weston-Super-Mare Station13.84 Km
Parson Street Station15.25 Km
Bedminster Station16.45 Km
Shirehampton Station17.04 Km
Sea Mills Station17.49 Km
Clifton Down Station17.56 Km

Airports Near to Lower Langford

Bristol Airport , UK (5.80 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Lower Langford?

List of Stops near to Lower Langford
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Lower Langford are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Lower Langford
Langford Post Office Bus Stop (E-bound)11 m
Langford Post Office Bus Stop (W-bound)45 m
Langford House Bus Stop (W-bound)234 m
Langford House Bus Stop (E-bound)235 m
Greenwell Lane Bus Stop (N-bound)393 m
Greenwell Lane Bus Stop (SW-bound)396 m
Veterinary College Bus Stop (W-bound)643 m
Pudding Pie Lane Bus Stop (N-bound)662 m
St Marys Gardens Bus Stop (NE-bound)773 m
St Marys Gardens Bus Stop (SW-bound)775 m

Historic Places to Visit near Lower Langford

List of Historic places near to Lower Langford

NameDistances from Lower Langford
Puxton, Holy Saviour Church6.30 Km
Brockley, St Nicholas Church6.36 Km
King Johns Hunting Lodge6.84 Km
Tyntesfield11.33 Km
Ashton Windmill11.56 Km
Clevedon Court11.64 Km
Clapton-in-Gordano, St Michaels Church13.24 Km
Stanton Drew Stone Circles14.04 Km
Ebbor Gorge14.43 Km
Uphill, St Nicholas Church14.45 Km
Cities or Towns near Lower Langford

List of places near to

Blackmoor0.41 Km
Upper Langford1.21 Km
Havyatt Green1.52 Km
Langford Green1.55 Km
Stock1.56 Km
Cox's Green1.81 Km
Butt's Batch1.84 Km
Link2.07 Km
Burrington2.09 Km
Dinghurst2.14 Km
Brinsea2.21 Km
Wrington2.23 Km
Churchill2.35 Km
Cowslip Green2.35 Km
Bourne2.40 Km
Churchill Green2.48 Km
Rickford2.53 Km
Maines Batch2.60 Km
Iwood2.62 Km
Rowberrow2.72 Km
Udley2.78 Km
Honey Hall2.90 Km
Aldwick3.08 Km
Lye Cross3.33 Km
Shipham3.55 Km
Star3.60 Km
Blagdon4.08 Km
Congresbury4.09 Km
Street End4.10 Km
West End4.12 Km
Redhill4.19 Km
Sandford4.21 Km
Winterhead4.22 Km
Lye Hole4.23 Km
East End4.61 Km
Sidcot4.75 Km
Woodborough4.98 Km
Nye5.20 Km
Winscombe5.22 Km
Butcombe5.24 Km
Sandford Batch5.25 Km
Cleeve5.25 Km
West Town5.49 Km
Towerhead5.63 Km
Hale Coombe5.63 Km
Claverham5.67 Km
Yatton5.87 Km
Puxton6.23 Km
Nempnett Thrubwell6.34 Km
Downside6.35 Km