Lower East Carleton Map, Satellite view of Lower East Carleton, Norfolk, England

Lower East Carleton is located in Norfolk County, South Norfolk District, Eastern, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Lower East Carleton

Latitude of city of Lower East Carleton is 52.58203 and longitude of city of Lower East Carleton is 1.23831. Lower East Carleton has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Norfolk.
The County of Lower East Carleton is Norfolk.

Postcode / zip code of Lower East Carleton

NR14 8

Administrative division of Lower East Carleton

County :Norfolk

GPS coordinates of Lower East Carleton

Latitude : 52.58203
Longitude : 1.23831

Online Map of Lower East Carleton - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Lower East Carleton in the United Kingdom

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Lower East Carleton weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Lower East Carleton?

List of Railway Stations near to Lower East Carleton
The nearest railway stations to Lower East Carleton are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Lower East Carleton
Norwich Station6.82 Km
Wymondham Station8.34 Km
Spooner Row Station11.52 Km
Brundall Gardens Station13.01 Km
Brundall Station14.20 Km
Salhouse Station14.66 Km
Buckenham Station15.77 Km
Attleborough Station16.42 Km
Lingwood Station17.57 Km
Cantley Station18.59 Km

Airports Near to Lower East Carleton

Norwich International Airport , UK (10.85 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Lower East Carleton?

List of Stops near to Lower East Carleton
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Lower East Carleton are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Lower East Carleton
Short Lane Bus Stop (adj)905 m
Short Lane Bus Stop (opp)906 m
Bus Shelter Bus Stop (adj)952 m
Bus Shelter Bus Stop (opp)960 m
Intwood Road Bus Stop (adj)1.02 Km
Intwood Road Bus Stop (opp)1.03 Km
Keswick Hall Road Bus Stop (adj)1.50 Km
Worlds End Bus Stop (opp)1.82 Km
Worlds End Bus Stop (adj)1.84 Km
Old Hall Bus Stop (opp)1.93 Km

Cities or Towns near Lower East Carleton

List of places near to

Swardeston0.83 Km
Intwood1.00 Km
Keswick2.01 Km
East Carleton2.15 Km
Mulbarton2.46 Km
Cringleford2.67 Km
Thickthorn Hall3.06 Km
Dunston3.14 Km
Hethel3.33 Km
Swainsthorpe3.33 Km
Bracon Ash3.52 Km
Ketteringham3.61 Km
Eaton Rise3.74 Km
Tuckswood3.78 Km
Eaton3.92 Km
Caistor St Edmund4.21 Km
Stoke Holy Cross4.27 Km
Hethersett4.59 Km
Colney4.63 Km
Old Lakenham4.64 Km
Mount Pleasant4.75 Km
Beckhithe5.06 Km
Earlham5.09 Km
Newton Flotman5.17 Km
Long John's Hill5.20 Km
Arlington5.30 Km
Little Melton5.35 Km
Penny's Green5.41 Km
Lakenham5.44 Km
Earlham Rise5.56 Km
West Earlham5.63 Km
Flordon5.75 Km
Saxlingham Thorpe5.76 Km
Browick5.78 Km
Arminghall5.85 Km
Hawes' Green5.87 Km
Toprow5.88 Km
Wreningham5.91 Km
Upper Stoke5.91 Km
Bawburgh Hill6.02 Km
Richmond Hill6.07 Km
Heigham Grove6.11 Km
North Earlham6.11 Km
Chapelfield Grove6.13 Km
Trowse Millgate6.17 Km
Bowthorpe6.23 Km
Norwich6.40 Km
Trowse Newton6.43 Km
Shotesham6.51 Km
Lower Tasburgh6.54 Km