Lisnaskea is located in County Fermanagh County, Fermanagh and Omagh, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom.
Location informations of Lisnaskea
Latitude of city of Lisnaskea is 54.25000 and longitude of city of Lisnaskea is -7.44200. Lisnaskea has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of County Fermanagh. The County of Lisnaskea is County Fermanagh.
Postcode / zip code of Lisnaskea
BT92 0
Administrative division of Lisnaskea
County :County Fermanagh
GPS coordinates of Lisnaskea
Latitude : 54.25000 Longitude : -7.44200
Online Map of Lisnaskea - road map, satellite view and street view
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The weather for Lisnaskea in the United Kingdom
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Lisnaskea weather forecast 15 days