Lindley Map, Satellite view of Lindley, West Yorkshire, England

Lindley is located in West Yorkshire County, Kirklees District, Yorkshire and the Humber, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Lindley

Latitude of city of Lindley is 53.65868 and longitude of city of Lindley is -1.82174. Lindley has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of West Yorkshire.
The County of Lindley is West Yorkshire.

Postcode / zip code of Lindley

HD3 3

Administrative division of Lindley

County :West Yorkshire

GPS coordinates of Lindley

Latitude : 53.65868
Longitude : -1.82174

Online Map of Lindley - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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What is the nearest train station to Lindley?

List of Railway Stations near to Lindley
The nearest railway stations to Lindley are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Lindley
Huddersfield Station2.69 Km
Lockwood Station3.00 Km
Berry Brow Station4.58 Km
Deighton Station4.73 Km
Brighouse Station5.20 Km
Slaithwaite Station5.53 Km
Honley Station6.22 Km
Halifax Station7.24 Km
Brockholes Station7.67 Km
Sowerby Bridge Station7.84 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Lindley?

List of Stops near to Lindley
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Lindley are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Lindley
Clock Tower Bus Stop (adj)12 m
Clock Tower Bus Stop (opp)45 m
Plover Road Bus Stop82 m
Lidget Street Bus Stop (N bound)91 m
Plover Road Bus Stop (SW bound)95 m
Lidget Street Bus Stop116 m
Lidget St Holly Bank Road Bus Stop (adj)159 m
Lidget St Holly Bank Road Bus Stop175 m
Kirkwood Drive Bus Stop244 m
Brian Street Bus Stop280 m

Historic Places to Visit near Lindley

List of Historic places near to Lindley

NameDistances from Lindley
Copley, St Stephens Church5.72 Km
Halifax, All Souls Church8.43 Km
National Coal Mining Museum for England13.47 Km
Bagshaw Museum14.00 Km
Cities or Towns near Lindley

List of places near to

Oakes0.61 Km
Prince Royd0.66 Km
Birchencliffe0.69 Km
Quarmby1.12 Km
Edgerton1.12 Km
Norwood Park1.22 Km
Marsh1.28 Km
Ainley Top1.31 Km
Salendine Nook1.40 Km
Longwood Edge1.47 Km
Longwood1.75 Km
Paddock1.85 Km
Birkby1.93 Km
Leymoor2.04 Km
Cowcliffe2.05 Km
Mount2.06 Km
Blackley2.08 Km
Milnsbridge2.10 Km
Upper Hirst2.26 Km
Newtown2.40 Km
Snow Lea2.43 Km
Rosemount2.46 Km
Lower Hirst2.46 Km
Shearing Cross2.54 Km
Fartown2.58 Km
Thornton Lodge2.60 Km
Hillhouse2.70 Km
Cowlersley2.71 Km
Old Lindley2.74 Km
Fixby2.77 Km
Elland Upper Edge2.78 Km
Crosland Moor2.80 Km
Netheroyd Hill2.83 Km
Heathfield2.89 Km
Yews Hill2.97 Km
Jagger Green2.97 Km
Wolpole3.03 Km
Brackenhall3.05 Km
Elland3.05 Km
Huddersfield3.06 Km
Golcar3.10 Km
Fartown Green3.13 Km
Rashcliffe3.13 Km
Nettleton Hill3.13 Km
Folly Hall3.15 Km
Woodhouse Hill3.38 Km
Lockwood3.39 Km
Outlane3.41 Km
Primrose Hill3.47 Km
Scapegoat Hill3.47 Km