Lamberden Map, Satellite view of Lamberden, Kent, England

Lamberden is located in Kent County, Tunbridge Wells District, South East, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Lamberden

Latitude of city of Lamberden is 51.02690 and longitude of city of Lamberden is 0.60108. Lamberden has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Kent.
The County of Lamberden is Kent.

Postcode / zip code of Lamberden

TN18 5

Administrative division of Lamberden

County :Kent

GPS coordinates of Lamberden

Latitude : 51.02690
Longitude : 0.60108

Online Map of Lamberden - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Lamberden in the United Kingdom

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Lamberden weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Lamberden?

List of Railway Stations near to Lamberden
The nearest railway stations to Lamberden are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Lamberden
Robertsbridge Station10.37 Km
Etchingham Station11.25 Km
Doleham Station12.06 Km
Rye Station12.29 Km
Winchelsea Station12.55 Km
Three Oaks Station14.01 Km
Battle Station14.70 Km
Appledore Station15.07 Km
Headcorn Station15.54 Km
Staplehurst Station16.46 Km

Airports Near to Lamberden

Lashenden (Headcorn) Airfield , UK (14.73 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Lamberden?

List of Stops near to Lamberden
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Lamberden are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Lamberden
Newenden Bus Stop (adj)611 m
Turning Bus Stop (N-bound)797 m
Turning Bus Stop (S-bound)815 m
Newenden Bus Stop (adj)951 m
Lomas Lane Bus Stop (adj)1.18 Km
Lomas Lane Bus Stop (opp)1.19 Km
Job's Cross Bus Stop (NE-bound)1.22 Km
Job's Cross Bus Stop (SW-bound)1.32 Km
The White Hart Bus Stop (adj)1.58 Km
The White Hart Bus Stop (opp)1.58 Km

Cities or Towns near Lamberden

List of places near to

Great Job's Cross1.41 Km
Linkhill1.46 Km
Newenden1.81 Km
Standen Street2.51 Km
Sandhurst2.65 Km
Dingleden2.72 Km
West Cross3.33 Km
Rolvenden Layne3.34 Km
Rolvenden3.51 Km
Northiam3.64 Km
Sandhurst Cross3.77 Km
Iden Green3.82 Km
Field Green4.01 Km
Pullington4.12 Km
Peter's Green4.65 Km
Strood4.87 Km
Benenden4.90 Km
Four Throws4.98 Km
Potman's Heath4.98 Km
Ewhurst Green5.03 Km
Mill Corner5.08 Km
Bodiam5.15 Km
Little Conghurst5.27 Km
Clayhill5.29 Km
Gun Green5.48 Km
Pipsden5.53 Km
Beckley5.61 Km
Four Oaks5.63 Km
Snagshall5.70 Km
Woodsden5.82 Km
Horns Cross6.00 Km
Goddard's Green6.01 Km
Moon's Green6.06 Km
Bulleign6.31 Km
Peening Quarter6.39 Km
Crit Hall6.39 Km
The Quarter6.53 Km
Highgate6.72 Km
Hawkhurst6.77 Km
East End6.81 Km
Collier's Green6.82 Km
Small Hythe6.99 Km
Parkgate7.03 Km
The Moor7.04 Km
Beal's Green7.17 Km
Broad Tenterden7.19 Km
Four Wents7.25 Km
Wittersham7.30 Km
Tenterden7.35 Km
Beckley Furnace7.42 Km