Current weather conditions and 15 day weather forecast for Kirkgunzeon, Scotland, UK including weather daily high/low temperature, warnings, chance of precipitation, pressure, humidity/wind chill, rain risk, wind speed, cloud, pressure, and UV index.
26 December 2024 Thursday 8 ° C / 46°F Mist |
Feels Like : 7 ° C / 45°F Humidity : % 97 Pressure : 1033 mb Wind Speed : 6 kmph / 4 miles from S Visibility : 2 km Precipitation (rainfall) : 0.0 mm Cloud (%) : 100 |
Date | Weather forecast | Low temperature | High temperature | Feels like | Humidity | Pressure | Chance of rain | UV Index | Sun Position | Moon Position |
26 December 2024 Thursday | Patchy rain nearby | 8 ° C | 9 ° C | 7 ° C | % 98 | 1032mB | 85% | 0 | Sunrise:08:40 AM Sunset: 03:51 PM |
Moonrise:04:10 AM Moonset: 12:33 PM Moon Phase ( Waning Crescent ) |
27 December 2024 Friday | Patchy rain nearby | 8 ° C | 10 ° C | 7 ° C | % 99 | 1030mB | 87% | 0 | Sunrise:08:40 AM Sunset: 03:52 PM |
Moonrise:05:31 AM Moonset: 12:47 PM Moon Phase ( Waning Crescent ) |
28 December 2024 Saturday | Patchy rain nearby | 6 ° C | 9 ° C | 6 ° C | % 96 | 1025mB | 89% | 0 | Sunrise:08:40 AM Sunset: 03:53 PM |
Moonrise:06:53 AM Moonset: 01:08 PM Moon Phase ( Waning Crescent ) |
29 December 2024 Sunday | Patchy rain nearby | 5 ° C | 10 ° C | 4 ° C | % 89 | 1019mB | 89% | 0 | Sunrise:08:40 AM Sunset: 03:54 PM |
Moonrise:08:10 AM Moonset: 01:43 PM Moon Phase ( Waning Crescent ) |
30 December 2024 Monday | Moderate rain | 6 ° C | 10 ° C | 5 ° C | % 88 | 1013mB | 82% | 0 | Sunrise:08:40 AM Sunset: 03:55 PM |
Moonrise:09:13 AM Moonset: 02:37 PM Moon Phase ( New Moon ) |
31 December 2024 Tuesday | Patchy rain nearby | -0 ° C | 7 ° C | 2 ° C | % 80 | 1000mB | 89% | 2 | Sunrise:08:40 AM Sunset: 03:56 PM |
Moonrise:09:57 AM Moonset: 03:53 PM Moon Phase ( Waxing Crescent ) |
01 January 2025 Wednesday | Sunny | -2 ° C | 1 ° C | -4 ° C | % 66 | 1018mB | 0% | 2 | Sunrise:08:40 AM Sunset: 03:57 PM |
Moonrise:10:25 AM Moonset: 05:22 PM Moon Phase ( Waxing Crescent ) |
02 January 2025 Thursday | Sunny | -2 ° C | 1 ° C | -3 ° C | % 70 | 1026mB | 0% | 2 | Sunrise:08:39 AM Sunset: 03:58 PM |
Moonrise:10:43 AM Moonset: 06:55 PM Moon Phase ( Waxing Crescent ) |
03 January 2025 Friday | Cloudy | -2 ° C | 2 ° C | -3 ° C | % 79 | 1028mB | 0% | 1 | Sunrise:08:39 AM Sunset: 04:00 PM |
Moonrise:10:55 AM Moonset: 08:27 PM Moon Phase ( Waxing Crescent ) |
04 January 2025 Saturday | Patchy rain nearby | -2 ° C | 2 ° C | -2 ° C | % 91 | 1024mB | 83% | 1 | Sunrise:08:39 AM Sunset: 04:01 PM |
Moonrise:11:04 AM Moonset: 09:58 PM Moon Phase ( Waxing Crescent ) |
05 January 2025 Sunday | Patchy rain nearby | 1 ° C | 3 ° C | -0 ° C | % 93 | 1019mB | 84% | 1 | Sunrise:08:38 AM Sunset: 04:02 PM |
Moonrise:11:11 AM Moonset: 11:27 PM Moon Phase ( Waxing Crescent ) |
06 January 2025 Monday | Moderate rain | 5 ° C | 8 ° C | 2 ° C | % 91 | 1007mB | 89% | 2 | Sunrise:08:38 AM Sunset: 04:04 PM |
Moonrise:11:18 AM Moonset: No moonset Moon Phase ( First Quarter ) |
07 January 2025 Tuesday | Moderate rain | 8 ° C | 12 ° C | 8 ° C | % 95 | 998mB | 82% | 2 | Sunrise:08:37 AM Sunset: 04:05 PM |
Moonrise:11:26 AM Moonset: 12:56 AM Moon Phase ( Waxing Gibbous ) |
08 January 2025 Wednesday | Patchy rain nearby | 4 ° C | 8 ° C | 5 ° C | % 91 | 1000mB | 89% | 2 | Sunrise:08:36 AM Sunset: 04:07 PM |
Moonrise:11:37 AM Moonset: 02:28 AM Moon Phase ( Waxing Gibbous ) |