Horton Map, Satellite view of Horton, Shropshire, England

Horton is located in Shropshire County, Telford and Wrekin, West Midlands, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Horton

Latitude of city of Horton is 52.72591 and longitude of city of Horton is -2.46756. Horton has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Shropshire.
The County of Horton is Shropshire.

Postcode / zip code of Horton

TF6 6

Administrative division of Horton

County :Shropshire

GPS coordinates of Horton

Latitude : 52.72591
Longitude : -2.46756

Online Map of Horton - road map, satellite view and street view

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What is the nearest train station to Horton?

List of Railway Stations near to Horton
The nearest railway stations to Horton are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Horton
Oakengates Station3.80 Km
Wellington Station4.32 Km
Telford Central Station5.29 Km
Shifnal Station9.27 Km
Cosford Station14.44 Km
Albrighton Station16.58 Km
Shrewsbury Station19.07 Km
Yorton Station20.31 Km
Codsall Station21.01 Km
Bilbrook Station22.12 Km

Airports Near to Horton

DCAE Cosford Air Base , UK (14.51 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Horton?

List of Stops near to Horton
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Horton are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Horton
Makita Bus Stop (opp T Junction)296 m
Queens Head Bus Stop (opp)550 m
Faccenda Bus Stop (Nr T Junction)554 m
Queens Head Bus Stop (opp Horton Lane)561 m
Hager Bus Stop (adj BOD West Gate)817 m
33 Bus Stop (adj Hortonwood 33)893 m
Epson Bus Stop (adj Orchard Farm Roundabout)899 m
Epson Bus Stop (adj Orchard Farm Roundabout)952 m
Lignotock Bus Stop (adj Horton Park)1.19 Km
Primary School Bus Stop (opp)1.26 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Horton

List of Historic places near to Horton

NameDistances from Horton
Sunnycroft4.72 Km
Lilleshall Abbey5.23 Km
Talbot Chapel5.86 Km
Stirchley, St James Church7.78 Km
Buildwas Abbey10.80 Km
Iron Bridge10.87 Km
Benthall Hall11.99 Km
Weston Park12.74 Km
Wroxeter Roman City13.52 Km
Wroxeter, St Andrews Church13.55 Km
Attingham Park14.18 Km
Haughmond Abbey14.68 Km
Moreton Corbet Castle14.99 Km
Cities or Towns near Horton

List of places near to

The Humbers0.79 Km
Hortonwood0.90 Km
Preston upon the Weald Moors1.04 Km
Donnington1.90 Km
Trench1.92 Km
Hadley Castle2.11 Km
Trench Lock2.29 Km
Hadley2.53 Km
Wrockwardine Wood2.75 Km
Kynnersley2.75 Km
Donnington Wood2.82 Km
Wombridge2.93 Km
Leegomery3.00 Km
Muxton3.10 Km
Eyton upon the Weald Moors3.34 Km
Ketley3.53 Km
Oakengates3.54 Km
Red Lake3.72 Km
Honnington3.87 Km
St George's4.21 Km
Cheswell4.22 Km
Dothill4.26 Km
Wellington4.26 Km
Overdale4.32 Km
Ketley Bank4.33 Km
Adeney4.41 Km
Arleston4.44 Km
Newdale4.45 Km
Shawbirch4.56 Km
Rodway4.61 Km
Lilleshall4.81 Km
Snedshill4.84 Km
Old Park4.85 Km
Sleapford4.93 Km
The Rock4.94 Km
Brockton5.02 Km
Long Lane5.10 Km
Bratton5.15 Km
Hollinswood5.24 Km
Conquermoor Heath5.24 Km
Admaston5.26 Km
Priorslee5.35 Km
Town Centre5.55 Km
Haygate5.56 Km
Steeraway5.71 Km
Tibberton5.72 Km
Telford5.76 Km
Longford5.79 Km
Lawley Common5.81 Km
Malinslee5.83 Km