Honeystreet Map, Satellite view of Honeystreet, Wiltshire, England

Honeystreet is located in Wiltshire County, Wiltshire, South West, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Honeystreet

Latitude of city of Honeystreet is 51.35250 and longitude of city of Honeystreet is -1.85196. Honeystreet has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Wiltshire.
The County of Honeystreet is Wiltshire.

Postcode / zip code of Honeystreet

SN9 5

Administrative division of Honeystreet

County :Wiltshire

GPS coordinates of Honeystreet

Latitude : 51.35250
Longitude : -1.85196

Online Map of Honeystreet - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Honeystreet in the United Kingdom

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Honeystreet weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Honeystreet?

List of Railway Stations near to Honeystreet
The nearest railway stations to Honeystreet are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Honeystreet
Pewsey Station5.76 Km
Bedwyn Station17.83 Km
Melksham Station20.53 Km
Chippenham Station21.99 Km
Swindon Station24.12 Km
Hungerford Station24.57 Km
Trowbridge Station25.43 Km
Grateley Station25.89 Km
Westbury Station25.94 Km
Dilton Marsh Station27.29 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Honeystreet?

List of Stops near to Honeystreet
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Honeystreet are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Honeystreet
Barge Inn Bus Stop (o/s)341 m
Post Office Bus Stop (N-bound)503 m
Crossroads Bus Stop (SW-bound)886 m
Crossroads Bus Stop (NE-bound)897 m
Telephone Box Bus Stop (W-bound)1.05 Km
Reads Close Bus Stop (W-bound)1.51 Km
Village Hall Bus Stop (E-bound)1.52 Km
Coate Road Bus Stop (W-bound)1.55 Km
Coate Road Bus Stop (E-bound)1.55 Km
Crossroads Bus Stop (N-bound)1.68 Km

Cities or Towns near Honeystreet

List of places near to

Alton Barnes0.55 Km
Alton Priors1.06 Km
Woodborough1.11 Km
Stanton St Bernard1.42 Km
Bottlesford2.58 Km
Piccadilly2.62 Km
Beechingstoke2.97 Km
Hilcott3.04 Km
All Cannings3.19 Km
West Stowell3.44 Km
Wilcot3.82 Km
Allington3.84 Km
Marden3.88 Km
Little Abbots4.00 Km
Draycot Fitz Payne4.11 Km
Manningford Abbots4.16 Km
East Stowell4.18 Km
Wilsford4.31 Km
Patney4.45 Km
Huish4.52 Km
Sharcott4.55 Km
North Newnton4.65 Km
Manningford Bruce4.66 Km
West Sharcott4.70 Km
Manningford Bohune4.95 Km
Pewsey Wharf5.08 Km
Oare5.15 Km
Chirton5.17 Km
East Sharcott5.22 Km
Woodbridge5.36 Km
Charlton St Peter5.56 Km
Conock5.63 Km
Horton5.76 Km
Etchilhampton5.86 Km
Wedhampton5.89 Km
Rushall6.09 Km
East Kennett6.10 Km
Pewsey6.21 Km
Little Horton6.25 Km
Coate6.27 Km
Swan6.29 Km
Lydeway6.55 Km
King's Corner6.62 Km
Southcott6.84 Km
Bourton6.87 Km
West Kennett6.90 Km
Kepnal6.99 Km
West Overton7.07 Km
Milkhouse Water7.08 Km
Upavon7.10 Km