Hillcliffe Map, Satellite view of Hillcliffe, Cheshire, England

Hillcliffe is located in Cheshire County, Warrington, North West, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Hillcliffe

Latitude of city of Hillcliffe is 53.35997 and longitude of city of Hillcliffe is -2.58354. Hillcliffe has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Cheshire.
The County of Hillcliffe is Cheshire.

Postcode / zip code of Hillcliffe

WA4 5

Administrative division of Hillcliffe

County :Cheshire

GPS coordinates of Hillcliffe

Latitude : 53.35997
Longitude : -2.58354

Online Map of Hillcliffe - road map, satellite view and street view

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What is the nearest train station to Hillcliffe?

List of Railway Stations near to Hillcliffe
The nearest railway stations to Hillcliffe are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Hillcliffe
Warrington Bank Quay Station3.15 Km
Warrington Central Station3.60 Km
Padgate Station5.39 Km
Sankey For Penketh Station5.72 Km
Runcorn East Station6.54 Km
Birchwood Station7.02 Km
Widnes Station10.16 Km
Acton Bridge Station10.47 Km
Newton-Le-Willows Station10.54 Km
Runcorn Station10.60 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Hillcliffe?

List of Stops near to Hillcliffe
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Hillcliffe are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Hillcliffe
Lyon's Lane Bus Stop (by)406 m
Windmill Lane Bus Stop (cnr)411 m
Lyon's Lane Bus Stop (nr)430 m
Windmill Lane Bus Stop (opp)434 m
Broomfields Road Bus Stop (opp)462 m
Broomfields Road Bus Stop (cnr)494 m
Red Lane Bus Stop (opp)738 m
Southway Avenue Bus Stop (cnr)776 m
Golf Club Bus Stop (o/s)777 m
London Bridge Bus Stop (N-bound)784 m

Historic Places to Visit near Hillcliffe

List of Historic places near to Hillcliffe

NameDistances from Hillcliffe
Arley Hall7.36 Km
Great Budworth, St Mary and All Saints Church8.98 Km
Warburton, St Werburghs Church9.72 Km
Dunham Massey12.44 Km
Tabley House13.36 Km
Tatton Park13.50 Km
Carrington, St Georges Church13.82 Km
Cities or Towns near Hillcliffe

List of places near to

Lower Walton0.92 Km
Stockton Heath0.93 Km
Cobbs1.09 Km
Dudlow's Green1.30 Km
Appleton Park1.31 Km
Higher Walton1.73 Km
Wright's green1.86 Km
Wilderspool1.90 Km
Pewterspear1.90 Km
Stretton2.29 Km
Latchford2.39 Km
Grappenhall2.72 Km
Appleton Thorn2.76 Km
Hatton2.83 Km
Howley3.30 Km
Warrington3.33 Km
Westy3.37 Km
Lower Stretton3.38 Km
Moore3.45 Km
Bank Quay3.52 Km
Norcott Brook3.81 Km
Sankey Bridges3.95 Km
Whitecross3.98 Km
Bruche4.35 Km
Daresbury Delph4.48 Km
Thelwall4.50 Km
Keckwick4.54 Km
Daresbury4.61 Km
Hood Manor4.65 Km
Whitley Reed4.72 Km
Bewsey4.73 Km
Higher Whitley5.02 Km
Paddington5.04 Km
Old Hall5.34 Km
Sandymoor5.35 Km
Padgate5.39 Km
Dallam5.55 Km
Penketh5.58 Km
Woolston5.65 Km
Preston on the Hill5.82 Km
Grange5.94 Km
Manor Park5.95 Km
Great Sankey5.96 Km
Blackbrook5.99 Km
Antrobus6.01 Km
Frandley6.02 Km
Martinscroft6.04 Km
Callands6.06 Km
Lower Whitley6.07 Km
Preston Brook6.11 Km