High Marnham Map, Satellite view of High Marnham, Nottinghamshire, England

High Marnham is located in Nottinghamshire County, Bassetlaw District, East Midlands, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of High Marnham

Latitude of city of High Marnham is 53.22232 and longitude of city of High Marnham is -0.79311. High Marnham has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Nottinghamshire.
The County of High Marnham is Nottinghamshire.

Postcode / zip code of High Marnham

NG23 6

Administrative division of High Marnham

County :Nottinghamshire

GPS coordinates of High Marnham

Latitude : 53.22232
Longitude : -0.79311

Online Map of High Marnham - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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High Marnham weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to High Marnham?

List of Railway Stations near to High Marnham
The nearest railway stations to High Marnham are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from High Marnham
Swinderby Station8.41 Km
Collingham Station9.15 Km
Saxilby Station9.93 Km
Hykeham Station13.20 Km
Retford Station14.58 Km
Newark North Gate Station15.64 Km
Newark Castle Station15.88 Km
Lincoln Central Station16.86 Km
Gainsborough Lea Road Station18.28 Km
Rolleston Station18.85 Km

Airports Near to High Marnham

Retford Gamston Airport , UK (12.36 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to High Marnham?

List of Stops near to High Marnham
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to High Marnham are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from High Marnham
Hollowgate Lane Bus Stop (W-bound)27 m
Hollowgate Lane Bus Stop (E-bound)38 m
St Wilfrids Church Bus Stop (opp)728 m
St Wilfrids Church Bus Stop (o/s)741 m
Gracefield Lane Bus Stop (S-bound)910 m
Gracefield Lane Bus Stop (NW-bound)917 m
Church Lane Bus Stop (N-bound)1.52 Km
Church Lane Bus Stop (S-bound)1.53 Km
Front Street Bus Stop (N-bound)1.56 Km
Demand Responsive Area Bus Stop1.56 Km

Historic Places to Visit near High Marnham

List of Historic places near to High Marnham

NameDistances from High Marnham
Low Marnham, St Wilfrids Church0.70 Km
Fledborough, St Gregorys Church1.93 Km
Kettlethorpe Church6.94 Km
Milton Mausoleum9.02 Km
Doddington Hall9.34 Km
National Holocaust Centre11.01 Km
Marton Church12.03 Km
Littleborough, St Nicholas Church12.53 Km
Stow Minster14.00 Km
Aubourn Hall14.15 Km
Cities or Towns near High Marnham

List of places near to

Low Marnham0.73 Km
South Clifton1.56 Km
Normanton on Trent1.93 Km
Skegby2.06 Km
Fledborough2.07 Km
North Clifton2.59 Km
Grassthorpe2.71 Km
Spalford3.18 Km
Ragnall3.19 Km
Weston3.87 Km
Weecar4.08 Km
Sutton on Trent4.37 Km
Girton4.45 Km
Dunham on Trent4.56 Km
Darlton4.65 Km
Newton on Trent4.77 Km
North Scarle5.26 Km
Wigsley5.41 Km
Thorney Moor5.48 Km
Besthorpe5.74 Km
East Drayton5.99 Km
Thorney6.05 Km
Carlton-on-Trent6.08 Km
Laneham6.23 Km
Church Laneham6.39 Km
Moorhouse6.45 Km
Laughterton6.65 Km
Swinethorpe6.80 Km
Kettlethorpe6.95 Km
Tuxford7.08 Km
Stokeham7.13 Km
Harby7.31 Km
Egmanton7.33 Km
Ossington7.35 Km
South Scarle7.40 Km
East Markham7.47 Km
Eagle Hall7.54 Km
Fenton7.63 Km
Eagle7.63 Km
Drinsey Nook7.66 Km
Eagle Moor8.20 Km
Askham8.22 Km
Torksey Lock8.28 Km
Hardwick8.29 Km
Cromwell8.52 Km
Woodbeck8.57 Km
Collingham8.60 Km
Upton8.62 Km
Eagle Barnsdale8.67 Km
Headon8.85 Km