Heighington Map, Satellite view of Heighington, Durham, England

Heighington is located in Durham County, Darlington, North East, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Heighington

Latitude of city of Heighington is 54.59537 and longitude of city of Heighington is -1.61685. Heighington has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Durham.
The County of Heighington is Durham.

Postcode / zip code of Heighington

DL5 6

Administrative division of Heighington

County :Durham

GPS coordinates of Heighington

Latitude : 54.59537
Longitude : -1.61685

Online Map of Heighington - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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What is the nearest train station to Heighington?

List of Railway Stations near to Heighington
The nearest railway stations to Heighington are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Heighington
Heighington Station2.27 Km
Newton Aycliffe Station2.69 Km
Shildon Station3.65 Km
North Road Station7.73 Km
Bishop Auckland Station7.91 Km
Darlington Station9.46 Km
Dinsdale Station13.18 Km
Teesside Airport Station15.04 Km
Allen's West Station18.27 Km
Eaglescliffe Station18.74 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Heighington?

List of Stops near to Heighington
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Heighington are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Heighington
Village Hall Bus Stop (O)20 m
Village Hall Bus Stop (I)21 m
St Michael's Church Bus Stop (O)34 m
East Green Bus Stop (ADJ)145 m
Highside Road Bus Stop (ADJ)220 m
Hall Lane Bus Stop (O)239 m
Snackgate Lane Bus Stop (ADJ)272 m
Twinsburn Road Bus Stop (ADJ)288 m
The Cumby Arms Bus Stop (O)328 m
The Cumby Arms Bus Stop (I)364 m

Historic Places to Visit near Heighington

List of Historic places near to Heighington

NameDistances from Heighington
Piercebridge Roman Fort and Bridge7.61 Km
Auckland Castle8.63 Km
Escomb Saxon Church9.80 Km
Binchester Roman Fort9.94 Km
Stanwick Iron Age Fort12.18 Km
Raby Castle12.32 Km
Stanwick. St Johns Church12.37 Km
Cities or Towns near Heighington

List of places near to

Redworth1.30 Km
School Aycliffe1.72 Km
Houghton Bank2.37 Km
Houghton-le-Side2.47 Km
Walworth Gate2.60 Km
Aycliffe Village3.57 Km
Walworth3.79 Km
New Shildon3.83 Km
Middridge3.85 Km
Newton Aycliffe3.86 Km
Royal Oak4.28 Km
Denton4.53 Km
Sunnydale4.60 Km
Shildon4.65 Km
Coatham Mundeville4.70 Km
Brafferton4.73 Km
Bildershaw4.84 Km
Bolam4.95 Km
Old Eldon5.09 Km
Archdeacon Newton5.14 Km
Whessoe5.17 Km
Woodham Village5.34 Km
Faverdale5.51 Km
Eldon5.64 Km
Summerhouse5.67 Km
Woodham5.67 Km
Eldon Lane5.83 Km
Beaumont Hill5.84 Km
Preston-le-Skerne5.89 Km
Close House5.91 Km
Gray Street5.97 Km
Lime Terrace6.00 Km
Regent Street6.02 Km
Beech Terrace6.03 Km
Morton Tinmouth6.04 Km
Oak Street6.04 Km
Elm Terrace6.06 Km
Coronation6.06 Km
Drinkfield6.06 Km
Killerby6.08 Km
Coundon Grange6.11 Km
Harrowgate Village6.18 Km
Branksome6.38 Km
Howlish6.59 Km
Harrowgate Hill6.73 Km
Newton Ketton6.74 Km
Hummerbeck6.76 Km
South Church6.79 Km
Windlestone7.00 Km
Rise Carr7.09 Km