Heaton Map, Satellite view of Heaton, Greater Manchester, England

Heaton is located in Greater Manchester County, Bolton District, North West, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Heaton

Latitude of city of Heaton is 53.58366 and longitude of city of Heaton is -2.46577. Heaton has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Greater Manchester.
The County of Heaton is Greater Manchester.

Postcode / zip code of Heaton

BL1 5

Administrative division of Heaton

County :Greater Manchester

GPS coordinates of Heaton

Latitude : 53.58366
Longitude : -2.46577

Online Map of Heaton - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Heaton in the United Kingdom

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Heaton weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Heaton?

List of Railway Stations near to Heaton
The nearest railway stations to Heaton are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Heaton
Lostock Station2.23 Km
Bolton Station2.84 Km
Hall I' Th' Wood Station3.80 Km
Horwich Parkway Station4.92 Km
Westhoughton Station4.93 Km
Bromley Cross Station4.95 Km
Moses Gate Station5.26 Km
Hag Fold Station5.86 Km
Daisy Hill Station5.92 Km
Atherton Station6.12 Km

Airports Near to Heaton

City Airport Manchester , UK (13.43 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Heaton?

List of Stops near to Heaton
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Heaton are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Heaton
Albert Road West Bus Stop (nr)93 m
New Hall Lane Bus Stop (nr)129 m
New Hall Lane Bus Stop (adj)153 m
New Hall Lane Bus Stop (nr)161 m
Albert Road Bus Stop (nr)254 m
Easedale Road Bus Stop (nr)310 m
Lonsdale Road Bus Stop (adj)323 m
Lonsdale Road Bus Stop (nr)340 m
Kingsbury Avenue Bus Stop (adj)357 m
Rydal Road (to def route) Bus Stop (Kingsbury Ave)396 m

Historic Places to Visit near Heaton

List of Historic places near to Heaton

NameDistances from Heaton
Smithills Hall2.23 Km
Bolton, All Souls Church2.52 Km
Astley Hall Museum and Art Gallery14.63 Km
Cities or Towns near Heaton

List of places near to

Markland Hill0.78 Km
Doffcocker0.91 Km
Cope Bank1.05 Km
Victory1.14 Km
Delph Hill1.37 Km
Gilnow1.39 Km
Johnson Fold1.44 Km
Halliwell1.77 Km
Pocket1.77 Km
Smithills1.81 Km
Fernhill Gate1.83 Km
Barrow Bridge1.88 Km
Deane1.90 Km
Willows1.96 Km
Brownlow Fold1.99 Km
Lostock Junction2.08 Km
Bolton2.39 Km
Daubhill2.64 Km
Sharples2.64 Km
Back o' th' Bank2.92 Km
Chew Moor3.00 Km
Hunger Hill3.01 Km
Astley Bridge3.21 Km
Lever Edge3.23 Km
Mill Hill3.27 Km
Springfield3.36 Km
Rose Hill3.38 Km
Horrocks Fold3.47 Km
Bottom o' th' Moor3.68 Km
Tonge Moor3.83 Km
Middle Hulton3.83 Km
Great Lever3.87 Km
Eagley Bank3.90 Km
Hall i' th' Wood4.02 Km
Castle Hill4.03 Km
Lostock4.04 Km
Chequerbent4.07 Km
Hulton Lane Ends4.10 Km
Burnden4.15 Km
Firwood Fold4.22 Km
Tonge Fold4.25 Km
Over Hulton4.29 Km
Eagley4.32 Km
Oaken Bottom4.37 Km
Wallsuches4.39 Km
Bradshaw4.57 Km
Harper Green4.63 Km
Dunscar4.63 Km
Cox Green4.63 Km
Wingates4.66 Km