Harrop Green Map, Satellite view of Harrop Green, Greater Manchester, England

Harrop Green is located in Greater Manchester County, Oldham District, North West, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Harrop Green

Latitude of city of Harrop Green is 53.56987 and longitude of city of Harrop Green is -1.99252. Harrop Green has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Greater Manchester.
The County of Harrop Green is Greater Manchester.

Postcode / zip code of Harrop Green

OL3 5

Administrative division of Harrop Green

County :Greater Manchester

GPS coordinates of Harrop Green

Latitude : 53.56987
Longitude : -1.99252

Online Map of Harrop Green - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Harrop Green in the United Kingdom

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Harrop Green weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Harrop Green?

List of Railway Stations near to Harrop Green
The nearest railway stations to Harrop Green are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Harrop Green
Greenfield Station3.72 Km
Marsden Station5.51 Km
Mossley (Greater Manchester) Station6.90 Km
Slaithwaite Station9.47 Km
Stalybridge Station10.56 Km
Littleborough Station10.56 Km
Smithy Bridge Station10.65 Km
Ashton-Under-Lyne Station11.03 Km
Rochdale Station11.54 Km
Mills Hill Station12.00 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Harrop Green?

List of Stops near to Harrop Green
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Harrop Green are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Harrop Green
Sam Rd Bus Stop (nr)124 m
Sam Rd Bus Stop (adj)130 m
Carr Ln Bus Stop (nr)173 m
Diggle Sch Bus Stop (o/s)182 m
Old Stn Terminus Bus Stop (nr)195 m
Diggle Hotel Bus Stop (nr)214 m
Diggle Sch Bus Stop (opp)229 m
Huddersfield Rd (to def rte) Bus Stop (Huddersfield Rd)355 m
Huddersfield Rd (to def rte) Bus Stop (Huddersfield Rd)355 m
Sunfield Ln Bus Stop (nr)366 m

Historic Places to Visit near Harrop Green

List of Historic places near to Harrop Green

NameDistances from Harrop Green
Friarmere, St Thomas Church2.63 Km
Museum of the Manchester Regiment11.11 Km
Cities or Towns near Harrop Green

List of places near to

Harrop Dale0.37 Km
Carr0.41 Km
Diggle0.75 Km
Weakey0.85 Km
Holly Grove0.98 Km
Bleak Hey Nook1.25 Km
Marslands1.28 Km
New Delph1.71 Km
Woolroad1.82 Km
Running Hill Head1.87 Km
Pobgreen1.87 Km
Braeside1.88 Km
Dobcross2.03 Km
Delph2.05 Km
Grange2.07 Km
Heights2.12 Km
Delph Greave2.15 Km
Heathfields2.25 Km
Tame Water2.33 Km
Uppermill2.51 Km
Rough Knarr2.71 Km
Linfitts2.74 Km
Shaws2.82 Km
Wall Hill2.86 Km
Thurston Clough3.15 Km
Lower Arthurs3.37 Km
Fur Lane3.45 Km
Bunkers3.51 Km
Tunstead3.60 Km
Slackcote3.63 Km
Boarshurst3.78 Km
Denshaw3.83 Km
Doctor Lane Head3.83 Km
Old Tame3.98 Km
Grasscroft4.11 Km
Roebuck Low4.13 Km
Greenfield4.17 Km
Waterside4.24 Km
Grains Bar4.37 Km
Scouthead4.53 Km
Dacres4.59 Km
Austerlands4.88 Km
Top o' th' Meadows4.97 Km
Lydgate5.09 Km
Wood Brook5.10 Km
Roaches5.13 Km
Stone Breaks5.15 Km
Hey Green5.23 Km
Dog Hill5.26 Km
Marsden5.39 Km