Green End Map, Satellite view of Green End, North Yorkshire, England

Green End is located in North Yorkshire County, Scarborough District, Yorkshire and the Humber, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Green End

Latitude of city of Green End is 54.41842 and longitude of city of Green End is -0.72615. Green End has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of North Yorkshire.
The County of Green End is North Yorkshire.

Postcode / zip code of Green End

YO22 5

Administrative division of Green End

County :North Yorkshire

GPS coordinates of Green End

Latitude : 54.41842
Longitude : -0.72615

Online Map of Green End - road map, satellite view and street view

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What is the nearest train station to Green End?

List of Railway Stations near to Green End
The nearest railway stations to Green End are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Green End
Grosmont Station1.97 Km
Egton Station3.12 Km
Glaisdale Station4.96 Km
Sleights Station6.28 Km
Lealholm Station7.97 Km
Ruswarp Station8.58 Km
Whitby Station10.27 Km
Danby Station13.08 Km
Castleton Moor Station15.25 Km
Commondale Station17.55 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Green End?

List of Stops near to Green End
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Green End are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Green End
Chapel Bus Stop (32090733)1.15 Km
Grosmont Station Bus Stop (W-bound)1.94 Km
Grosmont Station Bus Stop (E-bound)1.95 Km
Grosmont Rail Station (entrance)1.95 Km
Grosmont Rail Station1.97 Km
Bus Shelter Bus Stop (E-bound)2.07 Km
Bus Shelter Bus Stop (W-bound)2.09 Km
Goathland (North Yorkshire Moors Railway)2.18 Km
Mallyan Hotel Bus Stop (NE-bound)2.56 Km
Mallyan Hotel Bus Stop (SW-bound)2.57 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Green End

List of Historic places near to Green End

NameDistances from Green End
Wheeldale Roman Road5.73 Km
Whitby Abbey10.82 Km
Fylingdales, St Stephens Old Church11.82 Km
North York Moors National Park13.56 Km
Cawthorn Roman Camps14.03 Km
Cities or Towns near Green End

List of places near to

Lease Rigg1.23 Km
Esk Valley1.23 Km
Beck Hole1.24 Km
Darnholm1.45 Km
Grosmont1.95 Km
Goathland2.08 Km
Key Green2.81 Km
Egton Bridge3.01 Km
Egton3.59 Km
Delves3.88 Km
Carr End5.04 Km
Eskdaleside5.07 Km
Littlebeck5.38 Km
Glaisdale5.65 Km
Sleights5.73 Km
Iburndale5.93 Km
Aislaby6.13 Km
Ugglebarnby6.41 Km
Briggswath6.47 Km
Glaisdale Side6.69 Km
Hutton Mulgrave6.87 Km
Selly Hill7.23 Km
Lealholm Side7.48 Km
Stonegate7.73 Km
Sneaton7.81 Km
Lealholm7.90 Km
Newholm8.23 Km
Dunsley8.33 Km
Sneatonthorpe8.42 Km
Ruswarp8.60 Km
Ugthorpe8.61 Km
Airy Hill9.14 Km
High Stakesby9.19 Km
Saltergate9.25 Km
Raithwaite9.29 Km
Street9.34 Km
East Barnby9.44 Km
West Barnby9.46 Km
Low Garth9.49 Km
Castle Park9.51 Km
Lythe9.80 Km
Sandsend9.81 Km
Mickleby9.93 Km
Fishburn Park9.97 Km
Stainsacre10.00 Km
Houlsyke10.17 Km
Whitby10.23 Km
West Cliff10.23 Km
Low Hawsker10.58 Km
High Hawsker10.58 Km