Glen Parva Map, Satellite view of Glen Parva, Leicestershire, England

Glen Parva is located in Leicestershire County, City of Leicester, East Midlands, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Glen Parva

Latitude of city of Glen Parva is 52.59384 and longitude of city of Glen Parva is -1.16720. Glen Parva has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Leicestershire.
The County of Glen Parva is Leicestershire.

Postcode / zip code of Glen Parva

LE2 9

Administrative division of Glen Parva

County :Leicestershire

GPS coordinates of Glen Parva

Latitude : 52.59384
Longitude : -1.16720

Online Map of Glen Parva - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Glen Parva in the United Kingdom

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Glen Parva weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Glen Parva?

List of Railway Stations near to Glen Parva
The nearest railway stations to Glen Parva are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Glen Parva
South Wigston Station2.58 Km
Narborough Station3.50 Km
Leicester Station5.05 Km
Syston Station12.54 Km
Hinckley Station15.31 Km
Sileby Station15.80 Km
Barrow-Upon-Soar Station17.36 Km
Loughborough Station20.67 Km
Nuneaton Station21.41 Km
Market Harborough Station21.57 Km

Airports Near to Glen Parva

Leicester Airport , UK (9.27 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Glen Parva?

List of Stops near to Glen Parva
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Glen Parva are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Glen Parva
Holts Close Bus Stop (Adj)25 m
Holts Close Bus Stop (opp)52 m
Lockhouse Close Bus Stop (adj)165 m
Lockhouse Close Bus Stop (opp)204 m
Kings Lock Close Bus Stop (outside)221 m
Amanda Road Bus Stop (outside)298 m
Hopyard Close Bus Stop (adj)304 m
Hopyard Close Bus Stop (opp)320 m
Nuthall Grove Bus Stop (opp)371 m
Nuthall Grove Bus Stop (adj)384 m

Cities or Towns near Glen Parva

List of places near to

Fosse Park1.11 Km
Eyres Monsell1.14 Km
Aylestone1.26 Km
Blaby2.03 Km
Aylestone Park2.04 Km
Rowley Fields2.06 Km
Whetstone2.64 Km
Knighton Fields2.95 Km
Enderby2.96 Km
South Wigston2.97 Km
Braunstone Town2.98 Km
West Knighton3.41 Km
Narborough3.57 Km
Littlethorpe3.76 Km
Westcotes3.91 Km
Knighton4.03 Km
Clarendon Park4.04 Km
Wigston4.20 Km
South Knighton4.54 Km
Southfields4.75 Km
Stoneygate4.79 Km
Countesthorpe4.86 Km
Leicester Forest East4.89 Km
Leicester4.97 Km
Western Park5.00 Km
Wigston Magna5.05 Km
Braunstone Frith5.06 Km
Wigston Harcourt5.06 Km
New Found Pool5.10 Km
Black Friars5.17 Km
Highfields5.24 Km
Cosby5.24 Km
Huncote5.42 Km
Kilby Bridge5.52 Km
Frog Island5.58 Km
Kirby Fields5.67 Km
New Parks5.82 Km
Kirby Muxloe6.12 Km
Foston6.14 Km
Spinney Hills6.14 Km
Oadby6.16 Km
Thurlaston6.43 Km
North Evington6.68 Km
Evington6.70 Km
Leicester Forest West6.72 Km
Croft6.76 Km
Kilby7.08 Km
Crown Hills7.16 Km
Normanton Turville7.25 Km
Glenfield7.29 Km