Fulking Map, Satellite view of Fulking, West Sussex, England

Fulking is located in West Sussex County, Mid Sussex District, South East, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Fulking

Latitude of city of Fulking is 50.88959 and longitude of city of Fulking is -0.22574. Fulking has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of West Sussex.
The County of Fulking is West Sussex.

Postcode / zip code of Fulking

BN5 9

Administrative division of Fulking

County :West Sussex

GPS coordinates of Fulking

Latitude : 50.88959
Longitude : -0.22574

Online Map of Fulking - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Fulking in the United Kingdom

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Fulking weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Fulking?

List of Railway Stations near to Fulking
The nearest railway stations to Fulking are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Fulking
Portslade Station6.16 Km
Fishersgate Station6.17 Km
Southwick Station6.39 Km
Aldrington Station6.61 Km
Hassocks Station6.82 Km
Shoreham-By-Sea Station6.93 Km
Preston Park Station6.93 Km
Hove Station7.18 Km
London Road Brighton Station8.59 Km
Moulsecoomb Station8.89 Km

Airports Near to Fulking

Shoreham Airport , UK (7.82 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Fulking?

List of Stops near to Fulking
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Fulking are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Fulking
St Andrew's Church Bus Stop (adj)66 m
St Andrew's Church Bus Stop (opp)83 m
The Dales Bus Stop (opp)263 m
The Dales Bus Stop (adj)274 m
Clappers Lane Bus Stop (W-Bound)482 m
Clappers Lane Bus Stop (E-Bound)487 m
Wickhurst Bus Stop (opp)750 m
Wichhurst Bus Stop (adj)753 m
Devils Dyke Bus Stop (o/s)1.07 Km
Green Acres Bus Stop (adj)1.20 Km

Cities or Towns near Fulking

List of places near to

Edburton1.55 Km
Poynings1.65 Km
Saddlescombe2.20 Km
Newtimber3.12 Km
Woodmancote3.31 Km
Small Dole3.60 Km
Mile Oak4.35 Km
Pyecombe4.46 Km
Blackstone4.69 Km
Bedlam Street4.76 Km
Hangleton5.05 Km
Castle Town5.12 Km
Waterhall5.18 Km
Albourne Street5.18 Km
Portslade-by-Sea5.18 Km
Albourne5.20 Km
Portslade Village5.21 Km
West Blatchington5.25 Km
Westdene5.36 Km
Nep Town5.52 Km
Albourne Green5.58 Km
Upper Beeding5.63 Km
West Town5.69 Km
Henfield5.73 Km
Hurstpierpoint5.89 Km
High Cross5.89 Km
Clayton5.98 Km
Southern Cross6.03 Km
Southwick6.19 Km
Botolphs6.22 Km
Patcham6.34 Km
Withdean6.42 Km
West End6.49 Km
Bramber6.50 Km
Coombes6.53 Km
Kingston by Sea6.73 Km
Hurst Wickham6.76 Km
Aldrington6.89 Km
Hassocks6.94 Km
Shoreham-by-Sea7.10 Km
Old Shoreham7.21 Km
Sayers Common7.21 Km
Steyning7.30 Km
Hollingbury7.41 Km
Shoreham Beach7.45 Km
Keymer7.49 Km
Preston7.86 Km
Hove7.87 Km
Ashurst8.30 Km
Wineham8.31 Km